For the gym rats

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Do you have the macros available for your diet? I'm after some ideas for things to eat as mine is getting a bit stale. Also, how much a week do you spend on food roughly?
Me - nothing, parents - a lot probably lol. But i know i cost about £20 in chicken alone a week

I would have to go and work out the protein/carb/fat content etc for you, because I havnt got them available at the moment. But i can hazard a super rough guess for you. This wil be with the inclusion of the smoothie as well.

Protein: 370g - 400g
carbs - 560ish
fat - 80g ish

Calories - 4500

Thats a very rough guess
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hence why most of the western world is overweight, carbs = cheap and filling.

If you want to go out for a cheap meal - it's more far more expensive going to the supermarket and buying everything fresh and tasty, than going to the fast food restaurant and getting the dollar menu meals! You can literally eat at Wendys for $2.69 (Double burger, fries & a drink!) :eek:

Split squats:

10x Bar
10x 40kg
10x 60kg
10x 80kg
10x 100kg

I tried some hack squats but just couldn't get on with them - I think my arse is too big :P

Leg press:

10x 120kg
10x 160kg
10x 200kg
8x 210kg
8x 240kg
6x 260kg

Front Squats (ATG):

10x 60kg
8x 80kg
8x 90kg
6x 100kg

Calf Raises:

Stack (100kg???):

3x12 reps



Cable tricep pull down:

Stack (85kg????)

Single arm overhead tricep extension


That's it. Wanted to do more leg exercises as I didn't really feel I got much from it. I need to do exercises which help develop the Medialis and the Rec Fem, my lateralis is quite powerful.

Anyway felt pretty good working out today and definitely back into it now!
Was getting a bit bored of 5x5 on squats this week so decided to shake it up a bit (a decision I now regret) with 5X20 at ~50% 1RM.

I did this on wednesday and I still have stair climbing ability of a dalek.
currently doing the below, gym 3 times a week

workout A
squats, flat DB bench, inc BB bench, weighted dips and some arm work

workout B
deadlifts, SLDL's, BB BOR's, DB shoulder press and chins

seem ok?
Here's my routine bare in mind i hate deadlifts and squats:( so i have to try and compensate doing other exercises;).

"PB= Personal best"


Bench press 120kg x8, 150kg x8. Whilst spotted 170kg 2 x 4, 185kg 2x2.
Seated military press 60kg x8, 80kg x8, 100kg 2x4. (PB 120kg)
Cable Crossover 35kg x8, 55kg x8, 80kg x8.
Leg Extensions 50kg x8, 100kg x8, 150kg x8.
Cross trainer 1 hour.


Chin ups 2x8
Pull ups 2x8
Shrugs 120kg x8, 150kg x8, 170kg x8, 210kg 2x4, 260kg 2x4. (PB 320kg)
Wide/close Grip Lat Pull downs 130kg x8, 180kg x8, 230kg x8. (PB 360kg)
Seated row 130kg x8, 180kg x8, 230kg x8. (PB 360kg)
Seated head harness neck resistance 25kg 3x8.
Cross trainer 1 hour.


EZ bar curl 37.5kg x8, 67.5kgx8, 77.5kg 2x4.
EZ bar skull crushers 37.5kg 3x8.
Reverse barbell curl 37.5kg 3x8.
Cable pushdown 80kg x8, 100kg x8, 120kg x8.
Concentration curls 25kg 2x8, 35kg x8.
Seated front cable raise deltoids 15kg x8, 25kg x8, 35kg x8.
Seated back cable raise deltoids 15kg x8, 25kg x8, 35kg x8.
Cross trainer 1 hour.
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How do people train their shoulder region? I find it hard not doing too many exercises for the shoulders especially when I throw a few rear delt exercises in. Add shrugs into the mix and I end up with a massive list of exercises. Something like:

DB Shoulder Press
DB Front Raises
Barbell Shoulder Press
Cable Side Raises

Cable Reverse Flies
Bent over DB Flies

Barbell Shrugs
Seated DB Shrugs

See my problem?
There are an awful lot of exercises to choose from just go with the one that you enjoy the most because if you hate a certain exercise like myself your just end up not doing it!
Here's my routine bare in mind i hate deadlifts and squats:( so i have to try and compensate doing other exercises;).

"PB= Personal best"


Bench press 120kg x8, 150kg x8. Whilst spotted 170kg 2 x 4, 185kg 2x2.
Seated military press 60kg x8, 80kg x8, 100kg 2x4. (PB 120kg)
Cable Crossover 35kg x8, 55kg x8, 80kg x8.
Leg Extensions 50kg x8, 100kg x8, 150kg x8.
Cross trainer 1 hour.


Chin ups 2x8
Pull ups 2x8
Shrugs 120kg x8, 150kg x8, 170kg x8, 210kg 2x4, 260kg 2x4. (PB 320kg)
Wide/close Grip Lat Pull downs 130kg x8, 180kg x8, 230kg x8. (PB 360kg)
Seated row 130kg x8, 180kg x8, 230kg x8. (PB 360kg)
Seated head harness neck resistance 25kg 3x8.
Cross trainer 1 hour.


EZ bar curl 37.5kg x8, 67.5kgx8, 77.5kg 2x4.
Reverse barbell curl 37.5kg 3x8.
Cable pushdown 80kg x8, 100kg x8, 120kg x8.
Concentration curls 25kg 2x8, 35kg x8.
Seated front cable raise deltoids 15kg x8, 25kg x8, 35kg x8.
Seated back cable raise deltoids 15kg x8, 25kg x8, 35kg x8.
Cross trainer 1 hour.

Most only do three sets of....I would add another set.

I would definitely ditch the 1hr CROSSTRAINER.....cos that sux! If you need to do it for some cardio....15min max at the end of the sesion. Thats what I tend to do when Im trying to loose some fat.
I also dont like how youir first set of each exercise is such a low weight companerd to the other sets....bit of a waste of time maybe?
And certainly not enough legs...3 sets of leg extensions a week?

Apart from that...some major lifts going on there...far more than I can do. I was happy today benching 100Kg for 6 reps! (was already tired by then though)


Actualy you must be friggin huge to be liftin some of that!....I just dont understand the 1hr crosstainer bit?????????????
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There are an awful lot of exercises to choose from just go with the one that you enjoy the most because if you hate a certain exercise like myself your just end up not doing it!

Some of your lifts are mental..

I can't comprehend 35kg front raises!!!

or attempt a 190kg bench press :p

I'm off to eat some food.. :p
Most only do three sets of....I would add another set.

I would definitely ditch the 1hr CROSSTRAINER.....cos that sux! If you need to do it for some cardio....15min max at the end of the sesion. Thats what I tend to do when Im trying to loose some fat.
I also dont like how youir first set of each exercise is such a low weight companerd to the other sets....bit of a waste of time maybe?
And certainly not enough legs...3 sets of leg extensions a week?

Apart from that...some major lifts going on there...far more than I can do. I was happy today benching 100Kg for 6 reps! (was already tired by then though)


Actualy you must be friggin huge to be liftin some of that!....I just dont understand the 1hr crosstainer bit?????????????

3x8 due to the fact i burn out quickly another set for me would be a bad idea. I do an hour after each workout because i dont diet nor do I cut, I eat healthy lean food but i also eat crap some times, aka "toblerone", everything in moderation for the win. I do low weight for the fact i dont generally warm up so doing light weight first avoids injury.
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