For the gym rats

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Ok - just thoguht insulin could have something to do with it, seeing as I could take it in my leg / arm etc. rather than belly if it makes difference :p

Diabetic? Most people i know taking sub cutaneous drugs, slin HCG GH etc inject into abdominal fat. It wont cause more fat to be retained in that area.

Insulid noes not affect the area its applied to. It only has any effect on the body once it has passed into the bloodsream where it can act on insulin receptors in the muscles and liver promoting the storage of blood sugars as glycogen.
Diabetic? Most people i know taking sub cutaneous drugs, slin HCG GH etc inject into abdominal fat. It wont cause more fat to be retained in that area.

Insulid noes not affect the area its applied to. It only has any effect on the body once it has passed into the bloodsream where it can act on insulin receptors in the muscles and liver promoting the storage of blood sugars as glycogen.

Yes , diabetic - Ok good as that area is the most convenient to inject into. Would be a bit of a pain having to get bum out whilst at work all the time (especially with eating 5-6 meals a day :p )

Edit : Am ordering a pair of squat stands today - my hands don't like squatting with heavy dumbbells :p
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Is Philadelphia Light - Cream cheese bad stuff?

I struggle to keep down Cottage Cheese, and it looks like all the nicer solid cheeses are offlimits to eat regularly due to a lot lower protein and high fat content?
Joined Bath's old gym..
had a choice of:
teamBATH gym - Very flash, loads of machines etc - £200 year.
Bath sulis club - 5min cycle downhill (warmup/warmdown on way back), free for students, just a £5 induction fee. shoddy old machines etc, but free weights section with bench, incline bench, loads of dumbells, pull up bars and a power cage (think this is the name- the thing for squats which has two bars either side to let you drop the bar if need be).

Did my first squats the other day, and I've looked on the net so think my technique is ok, with me pushing my arse out first, and keeping a straight back. Started with 50kg.

Today I did 3x5 on 80kg(60kg + bar), which I think is respectable, but I was only dropping to parallel legs or just under, and not deep enough I think.

It seems quite awkward getting lower, so I reckon I'll try lower the weights and nail the low squatting.

I weigh 75kg, so what's a good weight to be squatting would you say?
One of the guys i'm friendly with in the gym gave me a dose of NO-xplode on Monday. I've suggested people avoid it in the past but i've never taken it so I thought i'd give it a go so i can offer some first hand experience. Has my opinion changed - hell yes! ITS EVEN WORSE THAN I HAD IMAGINED!!! :eek::eek:

For the first 20mins I felt like i'd just downed a couple of cans of redbull, really wired but not especially "focused". After that things got worse, a lot worse! Everytime I lifted any weight (raising my heart rate and blood pressure) I got an unbelievably painful headache. I did what I was there to do then gave up, hit the showers and got changed. Felt sick, bit dizzy and drunk, kinda like when you wake up after a heavy night out and you've got the beginnings of a hangover but you're still ******. Went home and ate which calmed things down a little but as the night went on even though my body was tired my mind was still "switched on". Last looked at the clock at 3:30am :rolleyes:

The following day (yesterday) I felt hungover, tired and (i'm going to put my masculinity on the line here......) a little emotional :confused: Trained again in the evening, lifted close to usual weights (the late night took its toll) but again the headaches when pushing hard. No problems getting off the sleep last night.

Today i've had a slight headache all day but cardio tonight so won't be training too hard.

I know there are a few people on here who actually pay money for this crap, how do you function normally whilst taking it?! And for all that pain and side effects I didn't even get the magical "pump" :mad: I do "respond" to NO compounds, i've got some AAKG from MP that works every time even with a small dose but NOXplode with all its NO based ingredients did nothing. Save your money people, its supplement marketing BS gone mad!!!
Different things work for different people. I tried out some dorian yates NOX pump the other day which loads of people seem to rate some even compairing the buzz to weak illegal drugs, I tried it and got jack nothing no extra pump, stamina, energy or focus
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