For the gym rats

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Today my routine for my legs is -

4 sets of squats

then im either going to do deadlift or powerclean. Im not sure which to do?! i know they are similar but what benefits do each have that the other doesnt? cheers

Back squats. Haven't done these in a while, and to my joy they had bought some L-brackets for the rack, meaning I could get up to heavier weights once again! I never pushed myself without them (they went missing about 6 months ago) as I didn't have the confidence in having nothing to catch the bar.

All these to just below parallel (I set the brackets so that when I get to below parallel they almost touch)
The following to parallel or just above parallel
6x180kg (first 2 reps were deep and low, the rest were at about 80degrees, so not quite parallel but not partials at the same time)
Drop set:


5 sets of 6x100kg

Step ups:

Barbell only: 12 reps (6 on each leg)
60kg: as above
100kg: as above
100kg: as above
100kg as above

I then decided doing a triple super set would be a good idea for tricpes!!!

Single armed cable pull down:

5setsx8xlevel 6 (30kg?!)

Single armed overhead tricep extension:




I am now officially dead. Felt so so good doing proper back squats again. That 180 felt pretty easy, ok so not all reps were super deep, but even so just off parallel I'm happy with that and I don't think I'm cheating myself either. It so good to have the confidence to load up the bar and not have to worry about failing. I did a test "drop" and it caught the bar fine, and I did a test "knees giving in" or "form collapse" and again, it was fine. So I can start pushing myself hard on squats.

I'm going to try overhead squats too - a friend showed me how to do them and they seem rather amazing - but I will be starting with uber light weights I think.

Really happy with my session.
Today my routine for my legs is -

4 sets of squats

then im either going to do deadlift or powerclean. Im not sure which to do?! i know they are similar but what benefits do each have that the other doesnt? cheers

Both are explosive exercises, the powerclean has a lot more technique associated with it, but will involve a lot more of your body. However initially it's a quad/hamstring exercises, followed by an upper back and shoulder movement. This has a bit of push and pull, you push with your legs and pull with your upper body (shoulders and traps).

DLs are more focused on legs, pretty much quads and hams, all your arms do are act as anchors to the weight, you shouldn't be pulling up the bar, DLs are a pushing exercise and a pushing exercise alone.

Both are performed with a solid core and straight back. Both will destroy you... see my workout I did on Wednesday - killer!
Excellent work FF :D

my back session tonight:

iso lat pull down (straps on as the handles are bare metal with nothing to give grip)
10x80 (warmup)
drop set 8x80

deadlifts - hammer machine as some blokes were using the deadlift area
straps as sweaty hands and dont like how the handle bends, stretching my wrist

seated row - normal cable stack for once!
wide grip
dropset 6x60

meh, not much time left after the dl's, was giving myself a few mins rest during those sets, so couldnt do normal lat pull downs (which im liking doing 2 exercises for on back day!).
machine dl's - a nightmare i know, but i actually like this machine, if it was iso it would be better im guessing?
still, i much prefer to grab the handles at the side of me rather than in front, also means not doing alternate grip.
220x5 is nothing to be sniffed at though, plate loaded machine or not imo :]

don't think my injuries are causing any problems now, so its just about time to start growing again!
Thats some badass squating there FF, which brings me to a question i have about squats.

Friday is leg day for me and i usualy do:

calf raise 3x8
squats 3x8
dumbell lunges 3x16
hamstring curl machine 3x8
leg extension 3x8

So you get the idea 3x8, i was wondering should i maybe up my sets and lower reps for better results?

Im in the middle of a bulk and right now my legs are the only area that im not happy with the progress.

Ive never tried a 1rm as i have no spotter but i always go as heavy as i can whilst maintaining good form, squat is at 85kg ATG.

I would appreciate any advice you guys have :)
Agreed about legs, they need high volume to give them a good going over. Small reps from time to time are also good but for strength and size volume is where it's at :)

Calf raises you need to do a lot more than 3 sets IMO, they struggle to grow with low volume. Hamstrings, do SLDLs much better IMO.

Morba - I agree about those DLs nothing to be sniffed at all, wish we had hammer machines but we don't :(

I need to get some straps for the 200+ DLs the bar does flex a lot.
You can get away with not doing volume for your legs if you're prepared to take it to true failure.

Squatting to failure is awesome.

It's funny with your legs, unlike some other body parts you can always push out a rep or two more if you really want to.
I need to get some straps for the 200+ DLs the bar does flex a lot.

What weight or rating is the bar at? i know when i do 200kg+ deadlifts the bar i use has very little give in it (although it does bend, not a lot), come to think of it when i did a 500lb DL i don't actually remember the bar giving much then either :o

bar i use is a 20kg hardened steel, not sure about manufacturer.

I agree calves are one of the most difficult muscles to train, i rely on them as stabiliser muscles and it works a treat :)
Whats the name of the exercise that is like a Snatch but you don't do the last part above your head?

Nevermind, found it. It's called a Clean.
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Whats the name of the exercise that is like a Snatch but you don't do the last part above your head?

Nevermind, found it. It's called a Clean.

cleans / powercleans / hang cleans - excellent exercises :D

if you want to just work the legs and lower back then just do the high pull (90% of the clean, just dont get under the bar) :D
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