For the gym rats

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Aye, hence why I used quotes. I'll see if I can find a pic/vid/etc. of what I mean.

This type of "machine", have also seen them with removable t-bar and instead of square bar, it's just like an oly bar :)

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Would buy one of these but instead...




Only 84 quid, not bad imo
tank - if i was u m8 id get hold of a mig welder and some box steel and go at that myself. No way its worth that cash. Cool tho :cool:

That would be great if I knew what I was doing:(!

Looks the same to me. Max weight is what it can handle, probably not what you can fit on it ;) No way does there look room on the 2 side bars to fit so many plates.
50 kilo plates for the win:D.

fifteen hundred quid! Crikey! I'm sure you're lifting a *lot* of weight, but is it really worth nearly £1,500 to do something you could do with free weights (shrugs at least)? Even if you just got some old gas tanks and a 5 min welding job for handles and fill with concrete?

I spoke to my friend today who will be going half's on it with me some time next year, so £750 its do-able. Some people like to spend thousands on cars, motor cycles, PC's and other hobbies this is mine, so it costs a lot but it will get used a lot!:).
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I have the bottom one, came with bracket and handle bar and we used our own Olympic bar its, pants need I say more:o.

how come? i mean i can see it not being great if your slapping 200kg on it but for us mere mortals lifting @ like 100k surely its passable, better than just using the bar which i do atm (much like what freefaller does)
Aye, hence why I used quotes. I'll see if I can find a pic/vid/etc. of what I mean.

This type of "machine", have also seen them with removable t-bar and instead of square bar, it's just like an oly bar :)

how come? i mean i can see it not being great if your slapping 200kg on it but for us mere mortals lifting @ like 100k surely its passable, better than just using the bar which i do atm (much like what freefaller does)
Just felt awkward and didn't feel comfortable using it:o. The picture that Dj_Jestar posted of a commercial t bar above is really nice to use but thats something I generally wouldn't use, so wouldn't buy.
god damn last 2 days ive had a dodgy shoulder been giving me sharp shooting pains so ive skipped gym yesterday and probably today. Usually I would go but as its been hurting for 2 days I figure I might have an 'issue'. Actually feeling pretty battered this week slept funny so got bad neck wrist also hurts :(

I been doing the same sort of routine for a while now, was on a 4 day split but I feel like a change as it always helps keep motivation up.
Would anyone here be able to do me a 3 day split please, its been so long since I done one not really sure what to do into each day :)

On the plus side I am gaining weight now I doubt its all good as im partial to snacking but im the heaviest ive ever been woo
Any chance some one can do this for me? Like I say its been a long time since ive done a 3 day split.

I do quite like doing deads/squats 5x5 but feel like maybe swapping deads for something else, what could I use instead?

Thanks chaps :D
Indeed they do :) They are probably one of the best exercises to get your whole body working.

I posted some vids in the pic thread. IT helps with the initial lift off the ground as you drive with your legs.

I wouldn't give up on deads, as they along with BORs, powercleans and squats are important exercises to add slabs of muscle to your physique.
I spent an hour last night looking through various training routines on Muscletalk and its amazing how many different styles there are. I was trying to find a simple 3 day split but it appears so many websites claim to have the ultimate way to train doing all sorts of doing things with various phases and everything.

Pretty astonishing really and very over whelming. Think I will spend a bit more time today looking over it as I feel like trying something different.
I spent an hour last night looking through various training routines on Muscletalk and its amazing how many different styles there are. I was trying to find a simple 3 day split but it appears so many websites claim to have the ultimate way to train doing all sorts of doing things with various phases and everything.

Pretty astonishing really and very over whelming. Think I will spend a bit more time today looking over it as I feel like trying something different.

Truth is, any routine based around heavy compounds will work. The main thing is, pick a routine that you enjoy! In regards frequency of training, i personally like hitting each body part twice per 7-10 days. Just experiment and see what works for you.

I don't go overboard with powercleans, hang cleans etc. Don't get me wrong, i love doing them and enjoy the adrenaline rush and pump they give me but there's far too much momentum involved to be true exercises for maximum hypertrophy. There's also a much greater risk of injury.

I'll throw them in now and again but controlled reps are where it's at for me :)
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