Hey mate could you suggest a help with shoulders
i have a shed i built with a cage[lat bar]olympic bars/weights punch bag dip station
on a shoulder night ill do
lat pull down
8x75kgs x 3
dips 10x [body weight +10/15kgs weight on a belt]x3
pull ups with belt usually 10kgs sets of between 5-7 x 3
militray press [seats to low to the floor ] 3x 24kgs in each hand
rows 120kgs
sometimes did clean and jerks [having to go outside so its a bit cold now
50kgs x 8x3
any ideas its the one thing i was decent at when i was at the gym ,but i find it hard to do much [lack of room and ideas]
Id suggest a major shake up m8.
Get rid of dips they have no place in shoulder day, put them in chest where they belong.
Get rid of chins, as above, put them in back and biceps or whatever back day you do.
Try to do standing military press alternating barbell and dumbell on barbell use widest grip possible.
Introduce barbell front raises grab the bar with a wider than shoulder width grip and raise to eye level without bending your elbows should be in a position at the top of the motion like your riding an oversized 'chopper' motorbike hold for a second and lower in controlled fashion, no swinging!
Do seated and standing lateral raises, both are core to upper body strength
Remember with shoulders volume not weight is key. you can load up the push press/military press sure but keep everything else light and controlled, focus on the negative portion (lowering) keep it steady and keep your breathing controlled.
Try this for a few months and your bench should improve!
Also with the bench dont forget that unless you lift heavy your body wont adapt to handling big weight. Based on your current lifts try to do some triples (100kg+) every few weeks, 10x3 is a good power technique (10 sets of 3 reps) get as heavy as you can!