For the gym rats

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Some people seem to be easily convinced, was listening to some kid on a bus (well not a kid but couldn't have been more than 20) talking to his mate about using Decca and how he was using it right unlike some other guy he knows. Found the whole thing kinda funny taking into account he barely had any muscle on him.

Tell me about it, went to a family party and got talking training with two manc cousins of mine, quite honestly neither is more than a streak of weak urine, no bulk and absoloutley no knowledge of diet or training ethic. When i asked what they ate to help bulk they said, and i quote, although i wish i wasnt, "Dont need protein cos we're on sust and deca.... I really couldnt carry the conversation much beyond that and went for a pint. Just goes to showwhat average inner city joe thinks of steroids tbh!
only pictures i had of myself

For pictures thread, no? ;)

Yeah I'm surprised in this day and age people still think that you inject yourself with this magical "steroid" and you wake up with bulging guns for your scrawny arms. Suppose they never really had a good coverage in the media and that's what average joe goes by.
@ The Doc - at 37 m8 you should still be able to gain naturally, but it would be very hypocritacal of me at 24 to tell you that! Just make sure your at a decent level, form must be spot on too because you will be overriding a lot of your bodies natural limits, limits that are there for a reason!

A chest night
warm -up
inline bp

flat bp


5x20kgs[each hand] x2

i seem to really lack on my flat bench ,i feel i dont have the arm power [any help will be app]
im weighing just now about 88kgs
would you add anything to this workout
and honestly been doing a bit of lifting on and off four about 4 years ,and i swear when you hit about 33/34 your body changes big time everything is so much slower and more painful .
A chest night
warm -up
inline bp

flat bp


5x20kgs[each hand] x2

i seem to really lack on my flat bench ,i feel i dont have the arm power [any help will be app]
im weighing just now about 88kgs
would you add anything to this workout
and honestly been doing a bit of lifting on and off four about 4 years ,and i swear when you hit about 33/34 your body changes big time everything is so much slower and more painful .
I would suggest analyzing your shoulder routine as ill bet thats the weak spot in your flat bench (its highlighted by the flyes also). I was stuck on < 100kg for a few same as you for ages but once i focused on getting my shoulders strnger i broke 100 pretty quickley.

Maybe see if the doc will give you a test level blood test. They should if your concerned. If it comes back low you might even get a little TRT on the old NHS ;) but if it is low you might aswell think about juicing as it wont get any better and although it sounds shallow, you want those results while your still young right!
For pictures thread, no? ;)

Yeah I'm surprised in this day and age people still think that you inject yourself with this magical "steroid" and you wake up with bulging guns for your scrawny arms. Suppose they never really had a good coverage in the media and that's what average joe goes by.

I dont take natural mate...its called hard work over a long period of time ;)
I would suggest analyzing your shoulder routine as ill bet thats the weak spot in your flat bench (its highlighted by the flyes also). I was stuck on < 100kg for a few same as you for ages but once i focused on getting my shoulders strnger i broke 100 pretty quickley.

Hey mate could you suggest a help with shoulders
i have a shed i built with a cage[lat bar]olympic bars/weights punch bag dip station
on a shoulder night ill do
lat pull down
8x75kgs x 3
dips 10x [body weight +10/15kgs weight on a belt]x3
pull ups with belt usually 10kgs sets of between 5-7 x 3
militray press [seats to low to the floor ] 3x 24kgs in each hand
rows 120kgs
sometimes did clean and jerks [having to go outside so its a bit cold now
50kgs x 8x3
any ideas its the one thing i was decent at when i was at the gym ,but i find it hard to do much [lack of room and ideas]
militray press [seats to low to the floor ] 3x 24kgs in each hand
sometimes did clean and jerks [having to go outside so its a bit cold now
50kgs x 8x3

Im no expert at all but these 2 exercises seemed core to my shoulders getting bigger and I'm pretty sure its helping a lot in my Incline, (my incline bench is totally weak, around 50kg x 5, but my bench and decline can handle 80 and 70 respectively. But then I can only military press a 25kg bar 10 times then its over, and I am getting better! Is that ok? or is something wrong?
To round off my poor day, shot 10 of 20 today, half way into my cycle, managed to hit a nerve! Not on the way in, injection went pretty well, but pulling out i twinged something and cramped my quad (the big outside section) which is not good with an inch of needle in the muscle and the rest outside the skin. Needless (<lol) to say i pulled it out sharpish (and again!) but i got a good old dead leg from it and ill be limping tomorrow!

Ultra mate why don't u just jab 2ml once every week or 8 days. With a long ester like enanthate that protocol will be fine. I know some people like to try and keep blood levels as stable as poss, but there will be no difference in gains doing it this way taking into account enanthate's half life.

Plus you only have to do half the jabs, which means lees chance of any problems. Also less build up of scar tissue which is very important IMO.
Ultra mate why don't u just jab 2ml once every week or 8 days. With a long ester like enanthate that protocol will be fine. I know some people like to try and keep blood levels as stable as poss, but there will be no difference in gains doing it this way taking into account enanthate's half life.

Plus you only have to do half the jabs, which means lees chance of any problems. Also less build up of scar tissue which is very important IMO.

because i dont want to do 500mg/week yet, from my research by going straight to the 'accepted' beginner level of 500mg/week you see no benefit over 250mg/week as a beginner. However a good few people whose logs ive read who take 250mg pw note a distinct dip in performance shortly before the next shot so i thought id hit some middleground with a 250mg e4d cycle. Trust me im more than aware of how many differing opinions there are on the subject and i appreciate your input, but im definately not going to adhere to the 500mg/week minimum mentality i think that injecting over 5 times the natural weekly dose of testosterone is excessive for a first timer.

I do understand your point about scar tissue, im going to do my next cycle exclusivley in glutes and rotate that way, could probably do delts too.
Hey mate could you suggest a help with shoulders
i have a shed i built with a cage[lat bar]olympic bars/weights punch bag dip station
on a shoulder night ill do
lat pull down
8x75kgs x 3
dips 10x [body weight +10/15kgs weight on a belt]x3
pull ups with belt usually 10kgs sets of between 5-7 x 3
militray press [seats to low to the floor ] 3x 24kgs in each hand
rows 120kgs
sometimes did clean and jerks [having to go outside so its a bit cold now
50kgs x 8x3
any ideas its the one thing i was decent at when i was at the gym ,but i find it hard to do much [lack of room and ideas]

Id suggest a major shake up m8.

Get rid of dips they have no place in shoulder day, put them in chest where they belong.

Get rid of chins, as above, put them in back and biceps or whatever back day you do.

Try to do standing military press alternating barbell and dumbell on barbell use widest grip possible.

Introduce barbell front raises grab the bar with a wider than shoulder width grip and raise to eye level without bending your elbows should be in a position at the top of the motion like your riding an oversized 'chopper' motorbike hold for a second and lower in controlled fashion, no swinging!

Do seated and standing lateral raises, both are core to upper body strength

Remember with shoulders volume not weight is key. you can load up the push press/military press sure but keep everything else light and controlled, focus on the negative portion (lowering) keep it steady and keep your breathing controlled.

Try this for a few months and your bench should improve!

Also with the bench dont forget that unless you lift heavy your body wont adapt to handling big weight. Based on your current lifts try to do some triples (100kg+) every few weeks, 10x3 is a good power technique (10 sets of 3 reps) get as heavy as you can!
Always had problems with my shoulders, same as my Dad would usually get pain deep inside the back of my shoulder which felt more like a joint pain rather than muscle. Would probably explain why I always had a poor bench compared to what I could do with my leg and back exercises.

EDIT: For the sake of my research into ECA stack, you got any experience with it Ultra_Extreme?
used ephedrine on my cut, was really good but then i started using clenbuterol and T3 which was very effective.

Tbh id suggest ECA as being the most effective fat burner for those people who respond well to stimulants, personally i need very high doses of caffeine to get a 'buzz' due to my long term coffee addiction, however i still found ephedrine very good with few sides.

Clen and T3 was better but is much more risky in the long run due to messing with the thyroid, and the sides are horrible at times.
because i dont want to do 500mg/week yet, from my research by going straight to the 'accepted' beginner level of 500mg/week you see no benefit over 250mg/week as a beginner. However a good few people whose logs ive read who take 250mg pw note a distinct dip in performance shortly before the next shot so i thought id hit some middleground with a 250mg e4d cycle. Trust me im more than aware of how many differing opinions there are on the subject and i appreciate your input, but im definately not going to adhere to the 500mg/week minimum mentality i think that injecting over 5 times the natural weekly dose of testosterone is excessive for a first timer.

I do understand your point about scar tissue, im going to do my next cycle exclusivley in glutes and rotate that way, could probably do delts too.

But your doing 500mg every 8 days now. So why don't you just take 500mg every 8 days in one shot instead of two, I did say every week or 8 days. Their will be absolutely no difference in gains but you will have less shots and less scar tissue build up. It just seems unnecessary to me to do 20 shots when you could just do 10 and get exactly the same results.
Always had problems with my shoulders, same as my Dad would usually get pain deep inside the back of my shoulder which felt more like a joint pain rather than muscle. Would probably explain why I always had a poor bench compared to what I could do with my leg and back exercises.

Chances are you are having problems with your rotator cuffs. These are the small muscles inside of the joint, I have similar problems which have also held back a lot of shoulder/chest gains.
But your doing 500mg every 8 days now. So why don't you just take 500mg every 8 days in one shot instead of two, I did say every week or 8 days. Their will be absolutely no difference in gains but you will have less shots and less scar tissue build up. It just seems unnecessary to me to do 20 shots when you could just do 10 and get exactly the same results.

oops just realised ive been putting e4d when i meant e5d.... but still point taken, might have a word with my endocrinologist friends.
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