For the gym rats

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Thinking they are essential and just using them is 2 different things.
The essential part is not what you said in your initial post on this.
Some do have the opinion that using them at all is "half assed" .. I don't see what point you are making? :confused: And just as clear is those who think they *have* to take them in the first place. I've been on forums where I have been told I am "not working out, only going to the gym" because I don't take them.
I tried one of the legal versions of ECA (Yohimbine I believe? Was around 4 years ago) but found the caffeine slightly overpowering. I think the average mixture of the stacks are 25/200/300 ? I was taking this twice and became quite snappy.
Some do have the opinion that using them at all is "half assed" .. I don't see what point you are making? :confused:

my point is that people who think that are misguided.
which is exactly what i said the first time you said it. THEY ARE MISDGUIDED. clear?

And just as clear is those who think they *have* to take them in the first place. I've been on forums where I have been told I am "not working out, only going to the gym" because I don't take them.

Well, those people are also misguided
I tried one of the legal versions of ECA (Yohimbine I believe? Was around 4 years ago) but found the caffeine slightly overpowering. I think the average mixture of the stacks are 25/200/300 ? I was taking this twice and became quite snappy.

i think its the caffiene that affects people the most. personally i need loads of caffiene to make a difference.
oops just realised ive been putting e4d when i meant e5d.... but still point taken, might have a word with my endocrinologist friends.

No problem, with it's half life around 10 days that will work just fine, and you have done your research which is more than most. It's just that I saw you mentioned hitting a nerve. So thought a protocol with less jabs might make it a little easier. Good luck with the rest of the cycle.
Aye, it was definately the caffeine. I don't think 400mg is a huge amount but I had been eating clean foods and drinking water only (yes, even on nights out...the looks given by some) for a month and I think it was more of a case of not having any stimulants for such a long time.

I also have a very bad tendancy to become addicted to caffeine, I went through a phase of drinking a lot of black tea and found it extremely hard to stop myself when I realised I was having 7-8 cups a day.
I get addicted to coffee really easily, find myself wanting a cup for no good reason all the time :D

Limit myself to morning and pre-workout.

Rugby game playing for Racal Decca down in Tolworth vs Weybridge Vandals. We won 26-14. First game since my dislocated shoulder that put me out of rugby a few years ago now. So a bit apprehensive... owing to being new to the team (a friend invited me to play) and them not really knowing what level I was at put me on the wing. Got several good runs and recoveries in. 2 runs in particular I gained a good 20+ yards whilst powering through 2/3 of their backs. Got into a few rucks where I still managed to gain a few meters powering towards the line. Took a couple of big tackles so really happy that I got really involved. Went off after 60 minutes of playing just to give the other guys a game - but they were very happy with my performance and so was I. Though they feel I was wasted on the wing and despite being pretty quick on my feet, I'd agree and feel flanker would be better suited to me, certainly for my build and power an still relative speed as the flanker is basically the forward's equivalent of the wing. Fantastic atmosphere, drenched through, muddy to the bone but boy I've forgotten how much I loved this game. Cannot feel my legs today - well, they're made of lead at any rate! lol!



Superset 1:

T-Bars // Cable bent over pulldowns:



Superset 2:

BORs // wide grip chins:



Close grip pull down (v-grip):


Short and sweet session thanks to the supersets. Knackered though and legs (calves in particular) feel somewhat stiff after the game. However the lifting felt easy, and maybe I should have done more reps on the chins - I think I'll up my reps for a target of 8 reps for 5 sets @ BW.

Ah it's good to be back at the gym! :D (just for those of you how didn't know, they closed my gym last week which meant I only went once on tuesday :()
Tonights session

Wide grip chins


Warm up 8*90

Concentration curls
First time doing these so was looking for form

60*8 for 3 sets

Lateral raises
5*8 for 3 sets

Good session today I feel there is plenty more in the tank for deadlift and Bor's
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Awesome, great session today.

About 8 weeks ago I was getting really fed up with bench, constantly twittering between 80-90kg each session (for reps). So I changed my program and did Incline bench followed by flat DB bench.

tonight on flat bench (second week back on it) I managed:


And the 100kg was comfortable. Can't wait to have a go next week for a couple sets :D
When on the bench press should you touch your chest with the bar or not? Someone told me not to as you are using your shoulders when below 180 degrees?

It should touch, but not bounce off the sternum. If you go too low you'll be recruiting lats and other muscles, too high and you're putting too much pressure on your shoulders. It should be just at the bottom of your sternum - and yes, it has to touch. Otherwise it doesn't count as a full rep and unless there's a specific reason for doing partials, you're just not doing yourself any favours.
Decided to throw in some gym work (those lovely compound movements) along with my running while I'm losing weight and realised that most of my stuff is expired now. I figured while I'm ordering might as well stock up for everything I'll need later when start the gym to bulk up, so far have this:

Glucosamine Sulphate
Omega 3 (are any of the more expensive options much better or gimmicks?)
Caffeine Pro - 200 mg
Taurine (found it decent and it's very cheap)
ZMA (hear good things about it)
Whey protein

Now people also mention Glutamine, Acetyl L Carnitine and BCAA a lot are they something I need to be looking at as well? I used creatine back in the day and didn't feel any different whatsoever so leaving it out. Wondering if there's anything else essential I missed or something that I need to take away? Oh and don't worry I'm not expecting for any of these supplements to replace a balanced diet and hard work just want to get back into it seriously.
On my Chest/Triceps/Shoulders day

I do : Incline Dumbbell Bench followed by Seated Dumbbell Military Press

I find these exercises too similar and really struggle to do 3 sets of each in the same day.

Can I change Seated Dumbbell Military press for Dumbbell Flies ?

Do you guys stop doing the exercise as soon as form starts to waiver? - My left arm shakes and sometimes goes off at a different angle when it tires before my right but I hate to stop there when my right still has some to give..
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On my Chest/Biceps day

I do : Incline Dumbbell Bench followed by Seated Dumbbell Military Press

I find these exercises too similar and really struggle to do 3 sets of each in the same day.

Can I change Seated Dumbbell Military press for Dumbbell Flies ?

Do you guys stop doing the exercise as soon as form starts to waiver? - My left arm shakes and sometimes goes off at a different angle when it tires before my right but I hate to stop there when my right still has some to give..

Yes change it to flys because Seated Dumbbell Military Press is not even a chest exercise it's a shoulder one.
On my Chest/Triceps/Shoulders day

I do : Incline Dumbbell Bench followed by Seated Dumbbell Military Press

I find these exercises too similar and really struggle to do 3 sets of each in the same day.

Can I change Seated Dumbbell Military press for Dumbbell Flies ?

Do you guys stop doing the exercise as soon as form starts to waiver? - My left arm shakes and sometimes goes off at a different angle when it tires before my right but I hate to stop there when my right still has some to give..

How much of an angle is you incline bench at? chances are its too high and recruiting too much of the shoulders compared to the chest.

If 1 arm is stronger than the other, just keep plugging away. If form is really bad then stop.
Dont then work the other arm/area on its own. The left arm will catch up eventually :]
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