For the gym rats

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check your flye form gareth m8 19kg flyes with your bench and ill bet my ass they are too close in at your sides. Use some light Db's and keep your arms STRAIGHT and work up in weight. Reason i say this is that for 12 reps my PB is around 21kg's and my bench is a good bit higher.

Just remember im not knocking your lifts but in posting them you are presumably asking for analysis and i would posulate that from your numbers your flye form is poor

I forgot to add they were done on a slight decline :o

Hmm.. My arms aren't locked out but I would like to think they are rather straight... (I know how easy it is if you do them the rubbish way:p) I might post a video next week when I do them to check they look ok! Do you keep your arms fully locked or just before lockage? Do you pause at base for a couple of seconds?

As far as I'm aware they look goood.. :o:(

I use to really struggle with them as the whole movement didn't feel right especially on my shoulders.. But I moved onto doing them cable style then on an incline.. Then did them flat again and they seemed ok :confused:
Short sweet session today - Wednesday:



DLs (no belt/straps):

10x110kg (overhand grip_
8x140kg (over hand grip)
5x170kg (mixed grip)
6x170kg (mixed grip)
12x110kg (overhand grip)

Seated side lateral raises (no backrest):


SUPERSET: Seated front raises (no backrest):


That's it - just don;t have time at the moment for longer sessions with the hours I'm working and with a lack of energy I have to do the best I can for the moment. IT's going to be a little all over the place up until after Christmas unfortunately. Still for 40 mins that's not bad. :)
I'm wondering if I do too many 'varients' of an exercise in one session...As in, I'll do one excercise for my shoulders...Then go on to a different exercise for my shoulders but also working a different muscle as well...

Would it be better to just work on one exercise one day of the week, then when it comes to next week I do the other? Or should I stop worrying :p ?

Only reason I ask, is because I did a few different varients for my triceps, and they almost died afterwards basically...:rolleyes:
From what I gather and feel after a work out, variety is best. Else you'll end up with only partially worked out muscles and so forth. Have a look at the guys who power bench like Gene Rychlak to see what I mean. They have er.. odd (for lack of permission to use stronger language) shaped pecks, massive tri's but tiny everything else (except bellys :p) because all they ever do is bench.

Shoulders particularly as they have such a varied range of motion, probably the widest range of all joints tbh.
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I forgot to add they were done on a slight decline :o

As far as I'm aware they look goood.. :o:(

I use to really struggle with them as the whole movement didn't feel right especially on my shoulders.. But I moved onto doing them cable style then on an incline.. Then did them flat again and they seemed ok :confused:

the change in feel is just as your shoulders strenthen thats all. The reason i say to lock out straight is simply to give a good sense of form, when you've spent a fair bit of time flye'ing with locked out arms you'll be better at keeping the proper form which is ever so slightly bent arms. The big danger is to go up in weight too fast counsing increasingly poor form over time and injury possibilities.
From what I gather and feel after a work out, variety is best. Else you'll end up with only partially worked out muscles and so forth. Have a look at the guys who power bench like Gene Rycheck to see what I mean. They have er.. odd (for lack of permission to use stronger language) shaped pecks, massive tri's but tiny everything else (except bellys :p) because all they ever do is bench.

Shoulders particularly as they have such a varied range of motion, probably the widest range of all joints tbh.

Thanks for the reply.

But should I vary the workout weekly? Or keep doing varied workouts each time I do a workout (As in on the day...)

For instance....I'll do a dumbell benchpress for 'x' amount of sets...Then do a dumbell kickback to work specifically on my tri's.

It might be because my chest and tri's are on the same day? But I figured it kinda makes sense for them to be like that really.
Thanks for the reply.

But should I vary the workout weekly? Or keep doing varied workouts each time I do a workout (As in on the day...)

For instance....I'll do a dumbell benchpress for 'x' amount of sets...Then do a dumbell kickback to work specifically on my tri's.

It might be because my chest and tri's are on the same day? But I figured it kinda makes sense for them to be like that really.

Your going about things the wrong way, unless you know your tri's are weaker than your pecs (unlikely) why do extra tri work?
Your going about things the wrong way, unless you know your tri's are weaker than your pecs (unlikely) why do extra tri work?

That's a good point...

Well I have no pec's practically....And only dumbells to work with for the time being untill I have money.

So you would do more chest work rather than singling out the tri by it's self?
I don't usually post my routine/weights but what the hell :)

Chest + arms:

Flat BB Benchpress
6x150 *PB*

Incline DB Press: Decreasing angle each set.

All sets done with a controlled neg and a slight pause at the bottom of the movement.

Followed with some quite intense arm work.

Was chuffed with the BB@150, first 4 reps went up surprisingly easy!
Cheers ultra, i've always been a big fan of benching. Like a kid at xmas, i get quite excited before a chest session :o

Wish i felt like that on a leg day :p

hehe dont we all, i've resigned myself to diluting leg day into all the other days so that i dont have a day i 'dread' anymore. Bench is a curious thing though, when your progressing on it its a brilliant exercise and probably my favourite even though im no good at it. But when you get stuck on a weight its probably the worst imo, frustrates the hell out of me!
hehe dont we all, i've resigned myself to diluting leg day into all the other days so that i dont have a day i 'dread' anymore. Bench is a curious thing though, when your progressing on it its a brilliant exercise and probably my favourite even though im no good at it. But when you get stuck on a weight its probably the worst imo, frustrates the hell out of me!

You will probably already know this but, a little tip when benching: When under the bar getting ready to do your set, pull your shoulder blades back and slightly you're trying to pinch them together. Gives you a much stronger base to press from and puts you in a much stronger position.

This definitely helped me get through a sticking point :)
You will probably already know this but, a little tip when benching: When under the bar getting ready to do your set, pull your shoulder blades back and slightly you're trying to pinch them together. Gives you a much stronger base to press from and puts you in a much stronger position.

This definitely helped me get through a sticking point :)

Cheers, ive heard that before but cant say ive used it, ill give it a crack when i try some 1-2rm's nevt week
Well I'm an idiot. Currently trying to lose weight before starting to bulk up again and on my route there's this mini park which for some reason is unlit but it's probably only 100 metres or so. I always walk through it, but was feeling really full of energy today so decided to push on knowing that it's a paved road so what's the worst that can happen?

Well about 10 seconds in I sprain my left ankly pretty badly with all 17 stone of me going on it and almost fall on all fours but somehow save myself from a fall. Then followed an involuntary barrage of profanity from me while me trying to run it off and hobbling in a rather comical fashion. Then try to stretch it out a bit and pain goes away just that feeling of stupidity and knowledge that this is my fitness work finished for this year weighing on my chest.

Just had a cold shower to try and reduce any swelling and have it strapped with ice but I can already feel the pain coming back and flexibility withering away, so really just damage limitation now and hoping that it'll heal in 2 weeks for next year.
Yeah I'll throw in some curls in there for the mahoosive arms ;)

Well I suppose I could start doing some upper body work now to get into the swing of things for Jan. I would have to up the calories as currently pretty strict with my diet (losing almost a pound a day though, bit too much actually), not feeling that strong in my upper body. Still feel though like I should lose more weight before putting on any muscle, may post some pics in photo thread for opinions.
Had some fun at the gym tonight. Going to have a break for a few weeks so thought I'd do some timed lifts. Highlights were deadlifting 140kg 19 times in a minute and shoulder pressing the 35kg dumbbells 16 times.

Going to ache tomorrow but looking forward to having the time off to recharge the batteries :)
Yeah I'll throw in some curls in there for the mahoosive arms ;)

Well I suppose I could start doing some upper body work now to get into the swing of things for Jan. I would have to up the calories as currently pretty strict with my diet (losing almost a pound a day though, bit too much actually), not feeling that strong in my upper body. Still feel though like I should lose more weight before putting on any muscle, may post some pics in photo thread for opinions.

haha m8.... stick to your diet and work out, you'll gain fine. Do not increase calories
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