For the gym rats

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Is it really worth it when you already have a pullup bar on the rack?

Yep...I got one on my rack and I use it constantly. Has high and low pulleys....I do seated cable rows, wide and close gip pull downs, cable bicep curls, tricep pulldowns, front cable shoulder raises and just gota get a few different attachments.
Yep...I got one on my rack and I use it constantly. Has high and low pulleys....I do seated cable rows, wide and close gip pull downs, cable bicep curls, tricep pulldowns, front cable shoulder raises and just gota get a few different attachments.

Sorry i couldn't tell from the pic, to me it looked like the previously mentioned attachment only had high pulleys.
yes, its fundamental to even the cheapest cable systems.

I was just thinking (And I hope you don't mind me asking)...

A page back or so, you was talking about "Solution: Exhaust the biceps with isolation work prior to compound" when doing back work for rows etc....

Would the same be applied to doing chest work? So work on the Triceps slightly beforehand...? Or would that hamper bench performance too much.
I was just thinking (And I hope you don't mind me asking)...

A page back or so, you was talking about "Solution: Exhaust the biceps with isolation work prior to compound" when doing back work for rows etc....

Would the same be applied to doing chest work? So work on the Triceps slightly beforehand...? Or would that hamper bench performance too much.

Its exactly the same concept. It only applies if your sure the triceps are the dominant muscle (they are in most people), and by pre exhausting them the body will switch focus to the chest in much the same way as the bicep/back combination. One complication for beginners with chest work is that the shoulders often play a critical role and should not be fatigued before pressing thus you need to find a good way to isolate the triceps without involving the shoulders much, which isnt easy. Single arm rope pressdowns are good, or any available machine work, behind the head dumbell extentions too. Failing that drop bench pressing altogether and focus on a combination of dips and flyes, dips being tricep heavy and flyes being chest focused. I used this combination to balance my chest/tri strength to good effect.
Hm ok, thanks for the input.

As I do my shoulders/chest/tri's on the same day....Would it be worth doing m chest work before the shoulder work then?

Although thinking about it, you would think it would be better to do the shoulders first, so your using more of your chest on bench press / flys....

Bearing in mind I've only been working out 'properly' since just before xmas...So my weights are still light.
What's so bad about doing 170kg pull-downs, it's as if your taking the **** out of him or something.

we are taking the wee :D
if he could really do them then great, hell hes stronger than me in that respect by a long long way. but he was all mouth and would never give any proof, which kinda made him look stupid given his outlandish claims for his size :D
Hm ok, thanks for the input.

As I do my shoulders/chest/tri's on the same day....Would it be worth doing m chest work before the shoulder work then?

Although thinking about it, you would think it would be better to do the shoulders first, so your using more of your chest on bench press / flys....

Bearing in mind I've only been working out 'properly' since just before xmas...So my weights are still light.

I sometimes do shoulders and chest in same workout....but I couldnt do chest after shoulders. I always do chest first as thats the hardsets I think...and uses a lot more muscles. You would be beter doing tricep isolations on a different they must be screwed from doing bench and military press exercises beforehand! I think Would be beter doing Bi's on same day as chest and shoulders.
we are taking the wee :D
if he could really do them then great, hell hes stronger than me in that respect by a long long way. but he was all mouth and would never give any proof, which kinda made him look stupid given his outlandish claims for his size :D

It's a fair point :) I never knew the bloke, so hey.

I'd be lucky if I could do a third of that :p
I sometimes do shoulders and chest in same workout....but I couldnt do chest after shoulders. I always do chest first as thats the hardsets I think...and uses a lot more muscles. You would be beter doing tricep isolations on a different they must be screwed from doing bench and military press exercises beforehand! I think Would be beter doing Bi's on same day as chest and shoulders.

I do Bi's with my Back I do Row's for my back, so it kinda works out well.

At the moment, I don't do a specific 'tri's only' exercise...As they get a god hammering doing push-ups and bench-press etc.

I don't seem to have an issue doing shoulders on my chest it's my chest that needs more work for some reason...It's more due to form no doubt, although after talking to people on here last week I felt the my chest aching a bit the next day, so something must have been done right :p

I follow a routine for my shoulders sort of...I warm them up a fair bit as well, so I dunno if that helps or not.
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