For the gym rats

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I drop my deads now and then, once I dropped it and a car alarm went off outside. Now.. I don't know if it was actually me but everyone looked at me and it was awesome. Ha! :cool:

Probably up around 200kg back then.
Dropping your weights makes you look like an attention grabber. For best results, also try loud "Eeeeeeuuuuuurrrrghhhhhhhhhs" or loudly proclaiming "I'm crazy, no-one can lift that..." before you lift anything.
Chong Warrior said:
New PB's again today :D

Deadift - 5x160kg (352lb) - no belt or straps.
Incline DB Press - 6x50kg - Even managed these on my own. Was a nightmare getting the big 50's into position and hurt my shoulder doing so! Suprisingly easy and I reckon I might have a go at the 55's next week :)

Must have missed this. Well done on the lifts mate, looking good :)
2nd "heavy" squat session since the calf tear... Not impressed. 140x3 felt HEAVY :( Ahh well hope that muscle memory starts to kick in soon. Got a relatively easy 190x3 on the deadlift on Thursday, not great, but could be worse i guess.
leg day today, tried something different....

MONSTER leg extension drop set.

use the weight that you could do 10 reps reasonably comfortably. do 10.
do another 10 after a small rest
drop 1 plate
do as many reps as poss
drop 1 plate
do as many reps as poss
etc etc

i totalled something between 70 and 80 reps, only stops was to get off the machine to drop a plate.

heart was banging, legs were like jelly and i was sweating like **** at the end!
absolute killer!! especially after doing squats.
Drop sets are a killer mate, but used correctly and sparingly (sp) then they're a great asset. Well done on the training, you seem to be hitting it hard week in week out.
S7yl3s said:
Drop sets are a killer mate, but used correctly and sparingly (sp) then they're a great asset. Well done on the training, you seem to be hitting it hard week in week out.

Yeah, as i train on my own i tend to use drop sets a lot. DB press, last set would be a double (sometimes triple) drop set (dropping 25% each time), same with lat pull downs.

this leg extension one was a beaut tho, felt that it really really finished my quads for me (had to wait over 5 mins before i could start on my hams, knees would not have been kind to me lol).

Tomorrow is the start of the cut, will post something up later with more details :D
I look forward to it :)

Ha i know what you mean where you had to wait 5 mins. I've done SLDL many times before with my legs shaking. It's after those workouts when stairs, getting in and out of cars, and pretty much anything in daily life becomes that little bit harder :p
S7yl3s said:
I look forward to it :)

Ha i know what you mean where you had to wait 5 mins. I've done SLDL many times before with my legs shaking. It's after those workouts when stairs, getting in and out of cars, and pretty much anything in daily life becomes that little bit harder :p

I am fearing work on weds! the day after a great workout is generally ok, its the day after that that DOMS kicks in :D
lots and lots of stretching will be needed hehehe
Amen to that. Stretching was as I believe invented by the devil. I do it, a fair amount but I hate every single second of it.
How did I forgot cardio :eek:

I hate them both too, but for some reason after cardio I get that feeling of 'Yes! I actually did some cardio, I feel good...maybe a little too good'. After stretching I just get that feeling of, 'wow, that was bad'. So I'd rate cardio as a little better than stretching personally, but it's close.

Weight training all the way :)
ok so cut time it is, wont start until monday though as im working away and its too damn hard to get anything perfect!

diet will loosely be based around the following (i say loosely because i do have a wife and little boy as well as work 45+ hours a week, so it can get hard to be good all the time! working hours means i may miss a meal or have to take another shake to make up for lost time)

50g oats - blended
30g whey
teaspoon of nesquick for flavour

10:30-11:30 (hopefully!)
200g grilled chicken (skined and boned)
lettuce and cucumber

1pm ish
small jacket potatoe and some beans

mid afternoon
30g whey
teaspoon flavouring
banana and an apple

pre workout
-50g oats - blended
-half a banana
-tablespoon peanut butter
-30g whey
200ml OJ with 5g CEE and some taurine

post workout
50g whey

evening meal
whatever the wife cooks, she is under orders to be good! have to accept this most of the time as i cant cook and i dont have time to faff around generally, neither does the wife!

pre bed
30g whey

thats it to start with. from that i will start to remove carbs as needed and no doubt upping the protein to nearer 300g to compensate.

looking to potentially add a few other things to the diet (in supplement form, to give me the rest of the EFAs and multivits that i will be lacking).

4 times a week (3 times pre brekky when possible) - 30-40 mins mostly steady state

chest and bis:
flat dumbell
incline dumbell
decline barbell / dips
ez bar curl
hammer curl

back and tris:
bent over rows
lat pull down / assisted pull ups / chins
seated row
2 bench tri dips
depending on how im feeling, will add over head extensions (DB)

shoulders (and a bit of abs):
seated / standing barbell press
seated dumbell press
lateral raises (sometimes superset with upright rows)
bent over raises

leg extension
SLDLs / leg curl
seated and standing calf raises

im probably going to mix that up a bit more, possible do:

day 1 - chest
day 2 - back
day 3 - shoulders + legs
day 4 - arms and abs

will mean less overall time in the gym imo.

it all has plenty of scope to work around some things, including joining the work gym so that i can do cardio 5 days if needed.

should be interesting!

comments welcome :]
I like the look of that. Just mainly down to myself not knowing the portion sizes etc of a small amount of what you've written, what are your aims in terms of protein, carbs, fats and of course calories?

My only suggestion I could put forward is that I'd love to see some T-bar rows in the back day sometimes and I personally recommend Deadlifting once every two weeks. But to be honest, you've probably got your routine nailed down nicely and it works great for yourself. I just find by deadlifting every fortnight it allows more focus on the rest of the back in the workout without deads.
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