For the gym rats

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Mine has taken a hit this week. Feels like someone is putting a red hot poker in my shoulder blade. Doc and physio reckon some rotator cuff strain and also a disc inflamation are causing the problem, so got to have a week of rest! :(
Morba said:
well, new diet kicked in proper today, no gym though (should have been leg day) as for some reason i have an aching back (about the same height as the bottom of my rib cage) which is doing my nut today, would rather not risk making it worse!

meal 1: shake - 40g whey, 50g blended oats, 1 banana, water
meal 2: 240g chicken breast
meal 3: wholemeal baguette with cheese, pineapple and ham
meal 4: shake - 40g whey in water
meal 5: lean mince cottage pie (not too much potato)
meal 6: shake - 40g whey, 1 teaspoon peanut butter (smooth), banana, in water
meal 7: 250g quark + 1 orange options

- need to add some more fruit
- meal 3 - not the best but had to be grab and go as inbetween meetings, had hoped to be able to sit down and have a jacket spud with some beans and salad.

Hi, just a couple of alterations I would make:

Meal2: I would add some veg (green peppers, green beans or broccoli for example) and a fat source. Avacado, or some almonds/walnuts

Meal3: Not ideal, could do with more protein. Maybe prepare something in the morning / night before?

Meal4: Again, could do with a fat source. Even 4-5 fish oil caps chucked down would be ok.

Meal5: I hope you don't have this everyday!

Meal7: Quark is great but again I would chuck some fish oil caps down and eat some nuts or have a couple of teaspoons of peanut butter.
Weight down to 15st 3lbs this morning!! :cool:

11th May I was 15st 13lb, so I've lost 10lbs in just over 3 weeks. I really need to lose another 3lbs in the next 10 days and that will be perfect. Then I can start bulking again just as my HST routine hits the heavy 5's... time to grow baby! :D

Hoping to smash some more PB's, maybe even a 200kg deadlift? There I've said it now! I'll be well chuffed if I manage that. :)

Depends on the shape I can get in in the next couple of months that will make up my mind wether to compete next year.
200kg deadlift? Compete? You've kept those goals pretty quiet.

I haven't done much over the last month or so but my bodyweight is decreasing while my lifts are increasing. I managed to do a few reps with the 45s last night and hope to be lifting the 50s by the end of summer.
Done a bit of raw deadlifting yesterday and quite suprised myself. Hit a very easy 160k x8 180x6 and 210k X1 grip was fine until i hit the heaviest set, i could have got 4 reps out of it if i have used straps. But quite pleased, no belt/ no straps / no chalk, I think if im feeling good next week I might try and do a 1rm and see if I can beat my best of 230k, im actually feeling very confident i can hit 240k+ hopefully 250k
Pigeon_Killer said:
200kg deadlift? Compete? You've kept those goals pretty quiet.
I think they're more wishfull thinking than anything lol! Though you need to aim high and why not? I managed 175kg last time, it's a big jump but then I'm a big lump :D
Although just a hobby I do take it quite seriously and if life allows it I think it's time I maybe took it up a level and see what I can do :) MartinM and Tom both compete from MP and they reckon I could do well after seeing some pics. Though I fear with a new little chong on the way in a few months it may be forced onto the back burner again, we'll see.
Pigeon_Killer said:
I haven't done much over the last month or so but my bodyweight is decreasing while my lifts are increasing. I managed to do a few reps with the 45s last night and hope to be lifting the 50s by the end of summer.
Is that for Incline bench?
NitrogenY3K said:
Done a bit of raw deadlifting yesterday and quite suprised myself. Hit a very easy 160k x8 180x6 and 210k X1 grip was fine until i hit the heaviest set, i could have got 4 reps out of it if i have used straps. But quite pleased, no belt/ no straps / no chalk, I think if im feeling good next week I might try and do a 1rm and see if I can beat my best of 230k, im actually feeling very confident i can hit 240k+ hopefully 250k
210kg with no chalk?? :eek: I don't think I could even hit 140kg without my magic dust!
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Chong Warrior said:
That would be a seriously impressive weight mate! 45kg is bloody impressive!
Thanks. I tried lifting them a few months ago but my left arm wasn't having it. I can't generate half as much power on the initial lift with the dumbbells as I can with the barbell and that's been holding me back. As with most exercises the barbell hides weaknesses while the dumbbells highlight them :(
Anyone else read this amazing, ground breaking piece of research?

Burn more cals than you eat and you'll lose weight - OMG!! :eek:


Biggest problem with this is that it'll get re-printed across every womans/girls mag going then it'll get added to the list of "i've tried everything thing to lose the weight", atkins, cambridge, cabbage soup, eating pies and cakes after exercise!!

/rant over! ;)
I think what they were trying to say is that you'd expect that the body might make up the calorie defecit after the exercise if it were allowed to eat as much as it liked. Even though the people who did exercise did eat more than the people who were just sitting around, they didn't eat enough to make up the defecit that they worked off during the exercise.

I think it's been known for a while that if you don't take in as much as you're using, you lose weight!
A couple of random questions if you don't mind, since most of the big fellas seem to read this thread:

First - what kind of length scales are you guys using for your Bulk/Cut cycles? Something like 2 months of bulk, 1 month of cutting? Or do you prefer to go by excess fat pounds/BF%/mirror to determine when to cut?

Second - how do you guys measure body fat percentages? I'm assuming you take a small electric charge in through the left hand and measure the impendence between there and the right foot, or similar? I've got a weighing scales that claims to measure body fat percentage, but a) it doesn't work, and b) I honestly don't see how total BF% could be determined foot-to-foot, given that electricity will always take the path of least resistance.
6-8 weeks bulk
2-3 weeks cut

This is how I'm going about it from now on. For the first time ever this winter I did a big, long bulk and I really got into the strength and size of it but then you realize all the bodyfat that means packing on aswell. Never again. I'm getting lean and staying lean... doesn't mean I can't pack on quality muscle ;)
For a begginer I would recommend at least a 6/7 month bulk to start, just purely because it will help to bring on the life style and body change that will help keep you in the right frame of mind.
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