For the gym rats

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I'm in need of a little help. Tonight will be the first time back at the gym after a 2 month lay off. I'm looking for a full body workout that will get me back in to the swing of things.

Any suggestions?

I guess the gyms are really busy now as everyone has there new years resolutions? :/
I think my squats could do with a bit of form checking. Would staff be happy to do that?

Form doesnt need checking, eyes up arse down, press from the legs through the shoulders locking your back. If your arse goes up quicker than the weight or you start to lean forward then thats bad form. If you maintain a vertical motion and feel most pressure on your knees quads and hams then you are doing it right.

It's not rocket science, people shouldnt need someone else there to yell at them for bad form/cheating, its easy to tell when your forms off
Bit of good news for me today anyway, doctor said should be able to go back to work in a few weeks, which means back in the gym:D. My weights are going to be perthetic, be supirsed if i can even deadlift 160:(
Im hoping that with muscle memory, good diet (which is ready) and a good routine again i can get back to normal quite quickly
Bit of good news for me today anyway, doctor said should be able to go back to work in a few weeks, which means back in the gym:D. My weights are going to be perthetic, be supirsed if i can even deadlift 160:(
Im hoping that with muscle memory, good diet (which is ready) and a good routine again i can get back to normal quite quickly

Yeah man you should be able to... I stopped doing weights a few years ago - only started again 8 months ago... And im back to my full strength :D awesomeness.
Finally did a 300lb deadlift tonight. Relatively easy actually and I felt like I could have gone heavier, but don't want to push it too far. So a personal best for me, but there are girls that can do 315 so we'll hold the champagne until 400lb.

So i'm at the gym last night, just done squats and front squats and keen to get on with some walking lunges. Because its monday and the new years resolution lot have still got some motivation the gym is packed. Its not the biggest place at the best of times and me walking up and down the only thoroughfare doesn't help but I try and keep the other users in mind and once I start I keep going till I get to a point where others can pass. To put this in context its only 12 steps start to finish.

I did my first two sets and on the third I could sense someone behind me. On steps 9 and 10 he clipped my heals twice! WHY!!!!! :mad: W.T.F. is so important that you have to stand so close behind me and can't wait all of 2 seconds to pass - if i didn't have 2 more steps to go I'd have dropped the weights and punched the **** :mad: Probably going to do a 1000 crunches on an ab roller the big girl :mad:

I'm normally easy going, calm, laid back kinda guy but I saw the red mist big time.


Ahhhh that's better ;)
I hope you actually told the person that they were in your personal space and a potential danger to you and themselves?
Like I say i'm usually pretty calm, all my aggression is used training but I really saw red. If i'd said anything it would probably have been a string of expletives with a light sprinkling of physical violence :mad: ;)
That's unacceptable MTA, not only is it stupid and rude, it's dangerous. What if he'd knocked your feet and you'd fallen over.

I WOULD have lost my rag, no two ways about it.
Me too but what you just described is blatent **** taking and deserving of a bitch slap without a shadow of a doubt. I've got a few stories from my gym and I've only been there 2 months.

As I was doing a few minutes cardio on the treadmill yesterday at the end of my workout I was looking round the gym and I reckon 95% of the people in there are totally wasting their time. 20% are actually causing themselves damage.

I was going to start a new thread on MP asking what the legality is of me videoing someone on my phone (couldn't care less if they know or not tbh) and then posting the vid on the forums for people to see for themselves the kind of clowns I deal with daily at that place :D
Do it! I'd love to see them. I do actually enjoy hitting youtube every now and again and watching videos of idiots doing things they have no idea. Why deadlift when you don't know how to deadlift for example, you wouldn't drive a car without knowing how to.

I worked out in a schools gym in Newquay this weekend as I was down there and there were so many young kids in there it was unreal. I sometimes wish I owned my own gym (a dream of mine) so I could show people how it really is done and how to behave in the gym.
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