For the gym rats

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I honestly can't remember the last time i had a cold or flu, even when people around me are dropping like flys, i just never seem to get them!

* hope i havent tempted fate...
I honestly can't remember the last time i had a cold or flu, even when people around me are dropping like flys, i just never seem to get them!

* hope i havent tempted fate...

lol thats what i think, every time i say "i never get ill, its weird but i don't" im secretly expecting a cluster of malignant tumours to sprout on every major organ. You know, to be ironic :D
I never really get ill at all either, and I am feeling a lot better than I felt for a few hours yesterday (literally about 4 hours I just felt dead). I wouldn't train if I felt like I did yesterday and I got an extra hours sleep last night to help with it.

Can't wait to start the 5x5 phase of HST and get back to deadlifting :D

Unfortunately i'm going to have to drop BORs, they really don't seem to get on with my back when i'm squatting in the same session. I can't spot anything wrong with my form but i'll get a video this afternoon for people to check (squats).

I'll probably replace with one arm DB rows for now since it's so similar.
I had to stop training for about 2 1/2 weeks as i had food poisoning at Christmas then i had the flu as my body felt so low :( took me ages to get better.

I couldn't eat any meat for ages, i still feel sick when i see a whole chicken, haven't long started to get back into my proper routine, I lost about 1/2 a stone too :( (got that back now tho :))

I feel im doing well now tho as i have cut a lot of bad things out my diet and am really putting thought into anything i eat

So don't worry have a couple off days out its only a cold you'll be fine :)
Workout B - Heavy

20x24KG (Warmup)

Leg Extension
15x35KG, 15x35KG, 15x35KG

Leg Curl
10x30KG, 10x30KG, 10x30KG

Bent over DB Row
10x20KG, 10x30KG, 10x35KG - PB

10xBodyweight + 10KG, 10xBodyweight + 15KG, 10xBodyweight + 20KG - PB

Military Press
10x29KG, 10x31.5KG, 10x31.5KG - PB

Barbell Curls
10x24KG, 10x24KG, 10x24KG - PB

DB Flyes
10x15KG, 10x15KG, 10x17.5KG

Good workout. Dips felt really good and had to push hard, flyes were also very difficult. The physique is coming on well and so's the strength :D
I'm not cutting, I don't think i'm even 64KG yet and there's just no way I want to cut doing the last part of HST.

Mainly for health reasons, and fats are essential for hormone prodction. It helps to add a little variety to my diet. I may not bother on training days and just do it on off days.

i dont really get it, what health reasons are there to not have carbs?
and i didnt say anything was wrong with fats, just wondering why you would lower carbs to compensate for upping fats..
Well if I don't lower carbs and add more fats obviously my total calorie intake will increase quite drastically.

By having more fats than carbohydrates i'll become more sensitive to insulin and reduce my chance of various heart diseased through improved cholesterol. Fats are also essential for hormone production.

Plus, you don't really want to be having fat with your carbohydrates do you...
Not really anything progression but I managed to stack some more of the machines lol. I was doing cardio and my m8 was on the machines and asked how much I can do so I managed to stack nearly all of them, Chest press 119KG, managed 5 but on 105KG managed 10. Stacked the pec dec, leg press, leg extension, leg curl. Haven't been able to stack the lat pulldown yet it's max is 178KG but im gaining there, manage to do 156KG I think it is by 5 but I can do 142KG by 10. Shoulder press is a bitch though that one will take me a long time yet, can do 70KG x5 but the max is 95KG.

Yeah not really an achievement but even though I don't actually use the machines (except lat pull and sometimes shoulder) it's been a personal goal to be able to stack each of them. Funny thing is, after all this cutting my strength has pretty much maintained.

Oh ya for the threads original point in posting, my body fat comes up as 10.2% now. Weight = 13 stone and half a pound.
tonite my bro and i popped into the local supermarket to use the weight mahcine(not sure how acurate it is btw) to see how much i weigh/body fat and so on, and also so i can now keep records of gains/loses :o

age =27
height = 5ft 10.9
weight = 78.5kg/12st5.0lb
fat index = 17.5% (no idea what that means :o)
fat mass = 2st2.2lb/13.7kg(again no idea)
free f.mass = 10st2.8lb/64.8kg(and again)

current B,M,I =24.3kg

id write down my work out but havent got a clue what the things i do are called :p.

is there a website the shows pics with names ?
Haven't been able to stack the lat pulldown yet it's max is 178KG but im gaining there, manage to do 156KG I think it is by 5 but I can do 142KG by 10.

Weight = 13 stone and half a pound.

how much extra weight do you add when doing chins?
you are saying that you can lat pull near on 190% of your body weight?
how much extra weight do you add when doing chins?
you are saying that you can lat pull near on 190% of your body weight?

It's in kilos. I don't really find it that hard? I can do 10 reps on 124KG so 5 isn't that bad on 142KG. In saying that though I don't tend to use the bar I use the attachment as I seem to get a better burn off it. Im alright at chins but nothing amazing as I don't do them often. I can do 20 without a problem last time I checked but adding a dumbell between my legs I've not really done so that'll give me something to try out.

And like I said im not doing the machines all the time I was only doing it because I want to stack them all at some point or another. Never use them except the ones mentioned.
Tell you what, im going to the gym tomorow for a cardio session so I'll hop on the lat pull and try a 1RM and see how much I can rack out of it. Any other things you would like me to trial? not to much of a bother really.
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