For the gym rats

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At the end of the day, as long as the form isn't going to cause injuries, there isn't much of a problem. If someone wants to use some upper chest in a db shoulder press, thats fine. It's now become more of compound movement. It's by no means a better way of doing the db shoulder press, but it will still work their muscles.
To be fair, if they bring it down so their elbows are at 90 degrees then that's fine.

When you go further it places more stress of your shoulder joints.
To be fair, if they bring it down so their elbows are at 90 degrees then that's fine.

When you go further it places more stress of your shoulder joints.

IMO the worst mistake people make doing SHOULDER press is locking out their arms. I come down to my shoulders and go up and OUT until im in a sort of Y shape with my arms just slightly bent. I repeat this ROM, this keeps pressure on the delts throughout the exercise and does not ever fully engage the triceps. IMO that is a shoulder press, the dweebs who end the concentric with the weights touching above their head are doing a different type of press (i call it the townie-rugby-boy-mongaloid-press-for-looking-in-the-mirror).

I wish more people would understand that an exercise is not about the movement but about targeting the correct muscles. If you shoulder press overhead and dont come right down to the shoulders you are working your TRICEPS. But geuss what, you can lift more like that, feed that ego and laugh at my lifts all you want ;)
To be fair, if they bring it down so their elbows are at 90 degrees then that's fine.

When you go further it places more stress of your shoulder joints.

I do the logpress from wherever I curled it to, I'm leaning back a bit but thats not a bad stretch; and probably the deltoid's strongest range of motion (use it for walking and running).

I might switch out to dumbells and swing em up from the sides and press like that, I like compound exercises since I think its better for overall chunkyness and mass.

I've seen some exercises on youtube I've never seen before, like a jumping behind the neck shoulder barbell press.
Monday (Chest/Shoulder/Triceps)

incline flys – 4x8
Incline Dumbbell Bench – 4x8
Tricep Extension – 4x8
dips – 4x10 need to add some weight
Arnold Press -4x8
Lateral Dumbbell Raises – 4x8

Wednesday (Back/Biceps)

Dead lifts – 4x8 DB Deadlift (Stiff Leg) not to sure on my form with this yet
Bent over one arm Dumbbell rows – 4x8
Chin Ups 4x8 (lat pulls atm,need to do some negs on chins)
Dumbbell Bicep Curl -4x8
One arm Dumbbell hammer Curls – 4x8

Friday (Legs/Abs)

Barbell Squats – 4x8 smith
Dumbbell Lunges – 4x8
Calf Raises - 4x10
Abdominal workout

Trying to improve on my workout, progressing nicely so far. Any help would be fantastic :)
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Monday (Chest/Shoulder/Triceps)

incline flys – 4x8
Incline Dumbbell Bench – 4x8
Tricep Extension – 4x8
dips – 4x10 need to add some weight
Arnold Press -4x8
Lateral Dumbbell Raises – 4x8

Wednesday (Back/Biceps)

Dead lifts – 4x8 DB Deadlift (Stiff Leg) not to sure on my form with this yet
Bent over one arm Dumbbell rows – 4x8
Chin Ups 4x8 (lat pulls atm,need to do some negs on chins)
Barbell Bicep Curl -4x8
One arm Dumbbell hammer Curls – 4x8

Friday (Legs/Abs)

Barbell Squats – 4x8 smith
Dumbbell Lunges – 4x8
Calf Raises - 4x10
Abdominal workout

Trying to improve on my workout, progressing nicely so far. Any help would be fantastic :)

Liking it, reason your doing squats on the smith?
The gym i go to is a bit limited! lots of machines not much in the way of weights, smith, 3 benchs and dumbbells. But for the moment its perfect because it's pritty much on my door step and its cheap! but in a month or two i think i'm going to look for a more weight based gym. :)
I'd change the order you do the exercises, always do the heaviest compounds first followed by the lighter isolations. So bench press before flyes! Do chins first on back day. ;)

Also stiff-legged deadlifts are a leg exercise (ham's) not back.
Monday (Chest/Shoulder/Triceps)

dips – 4x10 need to add some weight
Incline Dumbbell Bench – 4x8
incline flys – 4x8
Tricep Extension – 4x8
Arnold Press -4x8
Lateral Dumbbell Raises – 4x8

Wednesday (Back/Biceps)

Chin Ups 4x8 (lat pulls atm,need to do some negs on chins)
Dead lifts – 4x8 DB Deadlift not to sure on my form with this yet
Bent over one arm Dumbbell rows – 4x8
Dumbbell Bicep Curl -4x8
One arm Dumbbell hammer Curls – 4x8

Friday (Legs/Abs)

Barbell Squats – 4x8 smith
Dumbbell Lunges – 4x8
Calf Raises - 4x10
Abdominal workout

How does this look now :) Would you add anything to it :) Is this the correct form for a DB dead lift, there seems to be lots of diffrent ways, maybe i could add seated rows in there. Thanks again for the help! DB dead lift vid
The way he's doing it is similar to a Romanian Deadlift, which targets the hams NOT the lower back (if you're doing it correctly!) I do sets with around 130kg now and I don't feel it in my lower back at all but I can hardly walk afterwards as my ham's are absolutely fried!

Do them on legs days after the squats.

If you can't do 4x8 with Chins, then lower the sets and reps to what you can do and build up from there, that's how you build strength and muscle. Start off with 3 sets of 5 reps and just try to add a rep every week. If that's still too much then do 1 set of chins to failure and then use the lat pulldown machine for the remaining sets. Keep trying until you don't need the machine anymore.

Introduce seated cable rows yes. Start off 3 sets of 8-12 reps. Same for DB Rows.
Thankyou. :) I'll swap them for my legs day insted, and put in the seated cable rows in on my back day. I'll start hitting the chins hard to! And to to get some negatives done on them. Thanks again for the help, it makes a lot of diffrence doing things right from the get go. Rather then being someone who goes at it half arsed and woinders why they can't see any changes :)
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Little bored so i'm posting me dinner :) 6 egg omelette, 1 choped red pepper, on 3 rounds of wholemeal with oats toast. tastes lovely :)
Only takes about 10 mins. I hate cooking stuff that takes ages :D trying to find some nice recipes, that i can cook in bulk and freeze for the week :)
I'm bulking so as many carbs as i can! :D and i eat like a horse so it wouldn't fill me up else :D
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