For the gym rats

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Finally started gaining some strength since dropping to the 8-6-4 rep progression a few weeks ago, didnt realise how long the switchover to CNS would take! It's interesting to note that im still seeing a similar level of pump at these repetitions to what i see at my usual 12-10-8 reps. Finally pushing the 40's up for reps on DB bench press which is a nice feeling because mort of the local gym goers still brag about 30's for reps. Managed to get a PB on DB and BB sh press of 35's and 70 respectivley. The big lifts havent changed (well apart from bench) as im refining my form especially on the squat. Oh yeah managed 52.5kgx4 ez-bar curls with a solid form aswell, moving ever closer to the mythical 60k region, not that bicep curls are all that when you have to chin 110kg lol.

Anyone know an easy way to broadcast live video over the web (cheap/free) as it'd be fun to webcast my wo's

I've been lifting weights for about 3 weeks now and this is roughly the plan I use:

4 x 8 EZ bar arm curls - 10kg

4 x 9 bench press (wide grip) - 15kg

4 x 10 dumbbell fly - 2.25 kg

3 x 10 standing shoulder press - 10kg

4 x 10 upright row - 10kg

3 x 8 squat - 10kg

4 x 10 bent over row - 10kg

4 x 10 bar-behind-my-shoulders-and-go-on-tiptoes - 10kg

The weights for all the exercises are starting to get a bit easy now so I want to up them but thought I'd ask on here first.

I've got a few questions. Firstly, is the weight listed (as in mine) when comparing exercises the weight of each side of the barbell/dumbbell or total? For mine the arm curl is 10kg each side and the bar for example.

The dumbbell fly is way too easy but that's because I haven't got any other weights other than a few 10kg (which would be too hard) to put on. I don't really feel this does much good. Is it a good chest building exercise and worthy of me taking off the other weights every time or should I just stick to benchpress?

When I do squats I find it hard to keep my balance and constantly feel like I am going to fall forward which could be very painful. Does this happen to anyone else? Anyone know how to combat it? I use the EZ bar if that's any help.

I know it's a bit of an all over workout but I am not really sure how to split it into doing different sections of the body each time. Is it generally advised to split it or will I make any decent gains going on as I am?

Thanks in advance

p.s. Don't laugh at the weights, I am pretty weak :p
Nash, when stating weights it is the total of all the weight i.e. bar + weight either side :)
I presume this is a home workout right? If you want to keep this up you should really look into getting a barbell - that will help you 10 fold!!
Up the weights a considerable amount (for you to cope with) and start really pushing yourself.

That is not the best plan at all either by the way :)
Yeah, I agree with Clipsey. I have just turned 18... (11 stone 5, 5ft 9) and i do bent over row sets with 80KG and squats with 120KG free weight barbell. Go for way higher weight dude
Yeah, I agree with Clipsey. I have just turned 18... (11 stone 5, 5ft 9) and i do bent over row sets with 80KG and squats with 120KG free weight barbell. Go for way higher weight dude

I read that and was about to say shut up and stop lying you little chav. Then I realized it was you :p:D
Having been on holiday for a long week - I went to the gym last night just for a light session to get me ready for my 4x a week routine - god I feel dead today :o I'm still going to cane it as ever, but yesterday everything felt heavy and tough - haven't lost any strength, but have lost a bit of the "grrrr" factor I usually get. Fortunately I didn't lose or gain any weight whilst being in NY - though I was eating like a mofo :o. I'm going to ruin myself this week and I can't wait. It's going to be DOMs central at the Will household this week :D
Oddly I did my first legs only session (well, legs and arms) on thurs, only to not have doms at all in the following days.
Normally it comes on strong!

front squats
leg extension
ham curls (couple of heavy RDLs as well)
calf raises

normally would nto be able to walk up stairs properly the next day!!
Having been on holiday for a long week - I went to the gym last night just for a light session to get me ready for my 4x a week routine - god I feel dead today :o I'm still going to cane it as ever, but yesterday everything felt heavy and tough - haven't lost any strength, but have lost a bit of the "grrrr" factor I usually get. Fortunately I didn't lose or gain any weight whilst being in NY - though I was eating like a mofo :o. I'm going to ruin myself this week and I can't wait. It's going to be DOMs central at the Will household this week :D

I know that feeling. I had 4 weeks off in Feb/March and was out boozing till the early hours every single night. I trained in the hotel gym most days but, i guess for safety reasons, there was no Olympic barbells so had to make do with machines and dumbells. Needless to say, my legs never got a real hammering.

On my first session back home i got straight into squatting, did 6 sets X 10 reps of front squats with 100Kg, nearly killed me. I've never known doms last so long, could barely walk for a week :D

Back into full swing now, eating like a horse and strength increasing rapidly.
100kg fronts is very good :]
you using cross grip or conventional (as if you are about to press it)?
100kg fronts is very good :]
you using cross grip or conventional (as if you are about to press it)?

I've always been pretty strong with squats (and deadlifts) but unfortunately my long legs take some filling out. I have to work extra hard with them mate :(

I've always used cross grip with padding + a towel on the the bar, still damn uncomfortable though! I find front squats much kinder on my lower back.
yeah, ive not done backs for a while, i have much better form and go lower on a front squat.
im using cross grip at the moment, dont have the flexibility to do conventional, only issue is it leads to the bar being more likely to roll off my shoulders :/
yeah, ive not done backs for a while, i have much better form and go lower on a front squat.

Find it a lot easier to get right down to the ground when doing front squats, kills my thumbs for some reason though :confused: lol
Starting to build up the weight on overhead squats at the moment also = pure killer!
Overhead squats are madness, when my back in sorted i'll without a dobut be giving them a go to try strengthen the core and prevent and further back injuries.

I'm still using HIT training principles, undecided what i'll do next. Possibly HST but i'm also thinking about being faithful to HIT but adopting a full body routine, rather than a split.

Training to failure is where it's at ;)
Overhead squats are madness, when my back in sorted i'll without a dobut be giving them a go to try strengthen the core and prevent and further back injuries.
Training to failure is where it's at ;)

DO THEM!!! :p They are freaking hard and really have to concentrate on form - but great exercise if you can get it down.
I recently switched from a 4-day split to a full body workout - so far I am loving the change (I never thought I would!) Give it a try.
for those of you that do front squats. I am considering doing these to mix up my routine a bit but when I have tried them in the past it hurts to keep the bar rested! Do you get use to this after a while or am I holding it in the wrong place?
for those of you that do front squats. I am considering doing these to mix up my routine a bit but when I have tried them in the past it hurts to keep the bar rested! Do you get use to this after a while or am I holding it in the wrong place?

Whether you do cross grip of conventional/clean grip you HAVE to keep your elbows high. If your elbows drop the bar will roll down your upper arm and you're in trouble ;)

As your front deltoid develops you'll find there's a nice spot between the insertion point and the collarbone where the bar rests nice and snug without too much discomfort. Keeping your elbows up will transfer some of the pressure onto your side delts.

Front squats are not comfortable but if you like it easy then you don't deserve big legs ;) :p

I did a new record for walking lunges at lunchtime, BW +56kgs for 3 sets of 12steps. Going for BW +60kgs next week. Wardie you wanna come down and visit and i'll give you a piggy back :D
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