For the gym rats

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just noticed the hyperdrol advertising behind. gotta love america!
heh, quick look on youtube and you can see a few others. clearly fake then :]
yeah, you sudenly start to notice how easily its lifted off the racks as well by the spotter :D
just noticed the hyperdrol advertising behind. gotta love america!
heh, quick look on youtube and you can see a few others. clearly fake then :]

I thought it was too good to be true, he just makes it look too easy. I wonder if they pre-bent the bar for added effect too :D

EDIT: just seen your post MTA,, you were thinking the same thing :D
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Yesterday, gym was quiet and i got thoroughly annoyed with a couple of lads.
I was supersetting a double cable machine (one of those ones that gyms are now buying to save space on buying a cable crossover) which happened to also have various chin / pull up bars.
2 lads wander over and ask if they can do chins inbetween sets.
Now normally I would have no problem, but i was taking small rest periods and these 2 were wanting to do sets of 20 chins each - not the worst thing in the world...
However, there is a cable crossover with chin bars (was free), there is also 2 chin / dip stations that were free (with more variations than on the machine i was on), there is also a lat pull down and a hammer strength iso pull down machine!

When i mentioned these to the 2 lads they looked at me funny and said 'but we want to use that grip' pointing at one of the grips.

I politely told them it makes no difference, use something else!

i think it was a general comment, which in the main is true.
even people who dont do weights, the first question they generally ask is 'so what you bench?', as if you telling them it would actually mean anything!
i think it was a general comment, which in the main is true.
even people who dont do weights, the first question they generally ask is 'so what you bench?', as if you telling them it would actually mean anything!

I like it when they ask "how much do you lift?". Now i know they are talking about bench, but I answer with my hand thigh lift max of 300kg :p
Time to do some stretching. I've been spending 10-20 minutes every other day just stretching out, plus 5 minutes before and after every workout I stretch. Really helps.
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