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For those who dislike nvidia, why do you keep buying nvidia and not amd?

29 Aug 2013
Nothing compared to Nvidia FE uk prices last gen, AMD had zero stock here whereas it was not too hard to grab a 3060ti or 3080 at MSRP. I just don't see any value in the AMD cards anymore, even this gen I'd rather pay a little extra for a 4080 over the 7900xt/xtx. Since the 5700XT I have been waiting for a 4870 moment but I'm still waiting.
Plus my monitor is now gsync since I got tired of freesync flickering so I'm Nvidia for the next few gens for sure.
14 Aug 2009
I'll buy whatever graphics card offers me more of what I want at a price I can afford. I don't need to be a fanboy or even like a company in order to use its products. All three are in for the money mainly, whatever progress we get out of that is just a side effect.
30 Dec 2013
GPS signal not found. (11)
Every time there is a giant leap in performance that makes me want to upgrade, it's nvidia. Sure AMD will come along months later with something slightly faster and slightly cheaper later but if I wasn't interested in the nvidia card, slightly cheaper and faster also isn't going to interest me.
30 Jun 2019
I'm not blown away by the RTX 4070 spec (it looks like laptops are getting the better AD104 GPUs this time around), so I would consider a RX 6800 XT or a Navi32 successor. AMD is characteristically not rushing, they seem to be content to sell (some) RDNA2 GPUs for a few more months.

Nice to see the 7800X3D get the praise it deserves (weird that it's not called a 7700X3D though), but a shame AMD is not putting an equal amount of effort into RDNA3 GPUs.
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6 Feb 2019
RTX 3060 is now the most popular GPU on Steam

10 Oct 2012
They did the same thing with boundary.. Game was coming out with DLSS, then AMD sponsored it and.....it's gone.

That's why I refuse to buy AMD. They specifically make games they sponsor to work like **** on any other hardware but theirs.
Can you give me a list of games where this is happening. Cause I can remember games like Alien Isolation & Prey that was AMD sponsored but ran absolutely beautiful on Nvidia hardware.
3 May 2012
Ok , time for to to own up.

I've been and still am a fanboy of AMD over Nvidia since , I dunno, 20 years before Nvidia were even around.

But the OP asked for this not to get into the red Vs green thing, so I won't state reasons.

The OP asked specifically why buy Nvidia over AMD so will answer.

Over the years I have purchased 3 Nvidia cards, the rest all AMD.

Nvidia cards were, 8800gt(s?), 1070, 3070.


8800gt(s?) - bracketed the "s" because I genuinely can't remember although I think it's was the GTS because it was REALLY expensive at the time, I'm not sure why I bought this one but just hyped as a great card which I believe it was, mine lasted a year before it failed.....

1070 - (Evga) very good card and I think at the time did outperform the AMD equivalent but a fair margin, good amount of VRAM for a change from Nvidia, still being used today in another system.

3070 - The ONLY reason I bought this over the AMD equivalent is I really wanted some better FPS for PUBG, and unfortunately this was in the middle of the mining thing, OCUK were doing their forum members deals so managed to pick one up for (at the time) a very good price, however had a 6700xt been available for some price, I would have quite happily picked up one of those instead.

If I were buying a new card today it would be AMD I think they have a good lineup and better bang for buck, but I just don't need an upgrade at the moment.
18 Oct 2002
West Midlands
RTX 3060 is now the most popular GPU on Steam

I think you need to delve a bit deeper than a headline from a news site. If you look at the languages in the survey, you'll see in a single month simplified Chinese has also gone up over 25%. So I'd hold fire on taking the story on face value as there could be invalid data in there, or a calculation that has gone awry.
25 Jan 2007
King's Lynn
Yet, the people who keep complaining about nvidia practices/products don't show their support by buying AMD?
CUDA.... AMD just doesn't have anything that competes with this from the perspective of what software supports gpu processing. OpenCL is far weaker in terms of features and at least in some of the software I use it's not even supported.

Still doesn't mean we have to like what Nvidia is doing etc though....

Honestly I'd rather not be priced gouged on gpu's full stop and while AMD is cheaper they're still doing it just like Nvidia, it's just at a slightly lower price point
20 Aug 2019
SW Florida
VR is the most demanding thing I need a GPU for and Nvidia did a better job with ADA than AMD did with RDNA3 on that front.

I still have the 6800XT i pulled when I upgraded and will probably install it in my wife's PC.
22 Nov 2018
But when you are way behind at 9% marketshare and sponsor a game and tell them not to use DLSS, you better damn sure as hell make sure your equivalent launches in a great state no?
If you can't be asked to get that right when in such sorry state, what message does that send?

FSR just ain't in the same league imo. It is not in as many games and can't be easily updated to the latest version like DLSS can.

Really hope someone higher up at AMD reads this thread to understand what it is that they need to do. But that said, I think they already know all that, unless they really are that deluded.

Yes, I agree with you. Someone higher up at AMD needs to have a meeting with Nvidia and Intel to fix the issues with FSR. FSR is open source and all 3 GPU venders need to support and improve it to make it better and the number 1 upscaling technology.

Yes DLSS is better at the moment but it's closed source, so only one company can use it which is an absolute shocking disgrace!

The PC platform is about open standards. Not ring-fenced like Apple.
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13 Mar 2008
Greater London
Yes, I agree with you. Someone higher up at AMD needs to have a meeting with Nvidia and Intel to fix the issues with FSR. FSR is open source and all 3 GPU venders need to support and improve it to make it better and the number 1 upscaling technology.

Yes DLSS is better at the moment but it's closed source, so only one company can use it which is an absolute shocking disgrace!

The PC platform is about open standards. Not ring-fenced like Apple.

As much as I would love that, it won't be happening while Jensen is incharge. He is all about closed source and leather jackets.
4 Jun 2009
Yes, I agree with you. Someone higher up at AMD needs to have a meeting with Nvidia and Intel to fix the issues with FSR. FSR is open source and all 3 GPU venders need to support and improve it to make it better and the number 1 upscaling technology.

Yes DLSS is better at the moment but it's closed source, so only one company can use it which is an absolute shocking disgrace!

The PC platform is about open standards. Not ring-fenced like Apple.

Isn't that again a problem down to amd though?

AMD choose the open source path largely because they don't want to be stuck supporting it (also because if you're going to be last and with a solution not as good, you don't have many choices...) hence why with their solutions, they always do an over the fence approach (cough cough Roy even admitted this a long time ago). Probably why we still aren't seeing FSR uptake for consoles either as amd simply don't want to or can't spend the time and money to help developers implement it, someone raised this question about implementation paths on the github repo and they basically said it is up to the developers how they implement it, which is also why it's not as easy to update to latest versions like it is with dlss.

Nvidia did offer an open source solution, which would have implemented all 3 upscaling solutions in one go but amd refuse to support it, so much for doing what's best for the community and developers eh.... Funny thing is, if they had jumped on this, FSR 2+ would probably be in more games than it is now.
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4 Jun 2009
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14 Jul 2005
I built my pc in 2016 and bought a £200 Radeon card (580 or something was it, can't recall). I wasn't a big gamer really, just dabbled.

In early 2020 I got a quest vr headset then only a few months later upgraded to a quest2. So I needed a more powerful GPU.

Was really enthusiastic about the upcoming (in late 2020) releases. As it turned out, couldn't get a 3080fe on release, then couldn't get amd's high tier card either. So I bought a 3070fe because it was what I could get.

Since then the GPU market all went to pot.

I'll buy amd next time if they are as fast as Nvidia and I can get one at good value. If not, I won't. I need something fast in raster for vr, not bothered about raytracing.
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