For those who have STALKER, how does it run?

mrk said:
Turns out it's a fault with SecureROM used in this game and I do have DaemonTools installed and I am NOT going to uninstall that for some spitty copy protection (even them some people still had no luck)

In the end the only resolution was to use a NoCD patched XR_3DA.EXE which instantly fixed the issue. :rolleyes:
Copy protection does nothing to pirates, but punishes the legitimate consumer.

I really don't think I need to say any more than that, it is a universal constant and hopefuly developers will see it.
mrk said:
Mmm so far so good

Also, looks/runs quite nice I'd say, certainly looks better and has more atmosphere than HL2 but it does not have the fluidity of the HL2 engine and movement of your character.

My screens:
I see you're using an in-game widescreen resolution, which actually crops the top and bottom of the screen (you should be able to see the binoculars in your hands). It also crops left and right, so you see much less on screen then you would in a 4:3 resolution.

The solution is to run a program in the background which can alter the FOV.

You can download it here:

Just follow the instructions, and set the FOV to 115 (leave Aspect at 0.75) and you'll have perfect 16:10 widescreen :)

It's the same with many other games, where the widescreen resolutions just crop the top and bottom of the picture, instead of expanding the sides to give greater peripheral vision. :(

Thankfully, there are fixes available for most games, but I'm sure most people are still playing these games with the wrong FOV without even realising it.
emailiscrap said:
I knew it would never run well on mine, but I wasn't prepared for quite how bad it was!
Oldish rig though, A64 3400, 1.5gb, 6800GS.

Everything on minimum and 1024x768 and it was still dog slow.

I've got a similar system to yours apart from the graphics card, mines a 6800gt, and its jerkarama vision, totally unplayable.
I quite like the game. Hard to get used to all the keys though. Shame the game doesnt use the second core of my core2. Looking on the G15 performance monitor, it NEVER uses the second core. But does get through quite a bit of ram.
Interesting app Sir Random, has a nasty sideeffect though. It seems to increase the speed of time :) Day and nights fly past, character always hungry and stamina flying down even when walking.
Cool app cheers but aye! (see below :p)

Orgun said:
Interesting app Sir Random, has a nasty sideeffect though. It seems to increase the speed of time :) Day and nights fly past, character always hungry and stamina flying down even when walking.
I left the game on the auto detected settings, and its run hunkydory... might experiment with seeing how many settings i can crank up lol...

tbh im a lil disappointed with the graphics. not the scenery/weather cos thats awesome... but the stalkers hand/weapon on screen looks very out dated.
tomanders91 said:
i want to get this, but the vista bugs ive heard about are stopping me.

I've got the game, i've also got Vista. I've not had it crash ONCE on me. I'm not exaggerating.

I'd be more inclined to think those with system stability issues in Vista have more underlying issues they need to fix rather than blaming Stalker.
Tried&Tested said:
I've got the game, i've also got Vista. I've not had it crash ONCE on me. I'm not exaggerating.

I'd be more inclined to think those with system stability issues in Vista have more underlying issues they need to fix rather than blaming Stalker.

It's strange, as soon as I installed it and played it, it never crashed at all, even when saving/loading. Now it crashes more often than not when saving/loading. Hmmm...
Its a pretty crap game tbh deffo not worth all the wait starting to get abit depressed by the lack of decent pc games.
My copy turned up today and at first I was happly running with High settings. But as soon as I returned from the Nimble mission, the game has crashed several times and I even got the BSOD once as well.

I have turned down the settingd to medium, and running it in 800x600 and the game still runs dog slow and jerky as hell.

My system spec's:

AMD64 4000+ San Diego
DFI LanParty UT NF4 Ultra-D
Connect3D ATi Radeon X1950 XT 256MB
OCZ 1GB (2 x 512MB) EL PC5000 Dual Channel Platinum Series
Western Digital Raptor 74GB 10,000RPM

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