So I am just back on the dole again, but noticed my what i have to do each week thingy is greatly unfair. I have, write to employors once a week, phone atleast one a week, and search 3times a week, search online daily.
What I have problems with is phoning and writing to employors. Yes I would do that if the application is to write or phone but randomly calling up asking if they have jobs is something I hate with a passion, I see it as pointless and from past experiences it's the same response "all vacancies are advertised online or through website x, y or z" Which is the same going around shops.
I only have to write down 3steps each week but are they honestly expecting me to phone and write to poeple at random and document it?
I will bring this up with my advisor when I first see her on wednesday, but I think it's really absurd to expect this. If I was looking for unpaid work experience then yes I have no problem, this is how everyone gets it, but to call around places just seems a tad of an atrocious suggestion.
I disagree, I've read many many times that only a tiny percentage of jobs are actually advertised. If you hit up enough companies per week (ie. you're actually motivated to find work) you will start to get responses. Then you'll get a few interviews and then an offer hopefully.