Is there currently a costume/outfit glitch with this whereby the outfit stretches and doesn't quite move with the character properly?
Half tempted to try this, is it basically PUBG with building blocks? played by 8 years olds
Have added you mate.Anybody fancy playing sometime? Add me on epic - Matty8787
I use Q for pickaxe then 1-5 for weapons (struggled to reach 6 consistently).Be interested to know what keyboard/mouse you guys are using and what binds you have set for building/weapons.
I've been struggling with muscle memory and find myself choking in encounters where my building just comes to a standstill and I literally just freeze and get owned.
It's actually a much harder game than Battle Grounds. Especially making the most out of building.Half tempted to try this, is it basically PUBG with building blocks?
Rebinding keys helps massively. A few weeks a go I pretty much turned my bonds) binds on their head. An almost complete rework of what keys I use for playing. All my building was originally on my mouse, and I started to realise that it was way too easy to hit the wrong key and end up spamming floor instead of walls.It's actually a much harder game than Battle Grounds. Especially making the most out of building.
If you want to 1vs1 in playgrounds I could do with the practice? Epic name in above post.
Be interested to know what keyboard/mouse you guys are using and what binds you have set for building/weapons.
I've been struggling with muscle memory and find myself choking in encounters where my building just comes to a standstill and I literally just freeze and get owned.
It's actually a much harder game than Battle Grounds. Especially making the most out of building.
I can help as well if you want. I've got a decent amount of wins and quite like playground 1v1s (or 1v1v1v1.)
See my post above. The muscle memory can take a while to settle, but you've got to keep reinforcing it.
That sounds like a really good idea actually - very logical.Rebinding keys helps massively. A few weeks a go I pretty much turned my bonds) binds on their head. An almost complete rework of what keys I use for playing. All my building was originally on my mouse, and I started to realise that it was way too easy to hit the wrong key and end up spamming floor instead of walls.
So I swapped my binds so that walls (Q), floors (shift) and ramps (R and E) were all used on separate fingers. Weapon slots 1-4 on now on my mouse, as well as traps (scroll left) , reload (middle mouse) and use/interact (scroll wheel down) It took me about a week to get used to it, and I felt helpless pretty much every game I played, but I'm almost used to it fully now and very rarely press the a key thinking it was on my old binds.
It's made a big difference.
That sounds like a really good idea actually - very logical.
I think that's where I run into trouble sometimes, using my index finger for X/C/V often leads into pressing the wrong key - may revisit my binds later on, the hardest part is getting past the initial stages where your muscle memory keeps going for the old keys...