Fortnite Battle Royale

It sounds like you need Quake Champions in your life.

kids still can't touch me on Fifa but as I get nearer 40 the reactions for twitch shooters just aren't the same :(

need to introduce them to some proper classics like C&C :). or learn to cheat at fort nite
kids still can't touch me on Fifa but as I get nearer 40 the reactions for twitch shooters just aren't the same :(

need to introduce them to some proper classics like C&C :). or learn to cheat at fort nite

I've often had this thought in the past, and although there's no doubt that at the very highest levels of competition it can make a difference, for most of us it isn't a major factor. Check out this video from RocketJumpNinja:
Just started to play this a few weeks ago on pc, first I was better with a controller (the auto aim is ridiculous ) but have played the last two weeks daily with keyboard and mouse changing binds and sensitivity and its slowly coming together.

Highlights this weekend = 22 kills in a team rumble. 1 solo victory, 1 solo vs squad victory
Yes, still play regularly after being introduced to the game by my daughter. Am a very casual player but find I have to complete the battle pass every season and find some seasons have to complete my daughter's account as well if she isn't going to quite complete the battle pass on her own! After writing that it seems I am more than a casual player, not that my skill level perhaps shows that :p But find the regular changes to the game keep it fresh although frustrating at times.
Very casual, my eldest (11 yrs) has now grown out of Fortnite and plays more F1 2021 along with Minecraft and Roblox.
My youngest is still a massive Fortnite player and very good and can still rack up double figure kills.

You can tell who I am in Fortnite as I`m the only one who doesnt build :)

When somebody starts jumping about like a crazy manic building stuff in front of me I just stand there ready till they finish, wait till they poke their head out then shoot them.
Actually works more than you would think.
You can tell who I am in Fortnite as I`m the only one who doesnt build :)

When somebody starts jumping about like a crazy manic building stuff in front of me I just stand there ready till they finish, wait till they poke their head out then shoot them.
Actually works more than you would think.

Have started playing this as my nephews are massively into it and we live a long way away. The building stuff confuses me :).
To be average at Fortnite you only need to master the following when building:

1) If caught in the open by another player throw a wall down and then a ramp building up to it.
2) Be able to ramp up to hills and buildings to escape the storm and reach chests or get a good high area to shoot from
3) Be able to build a simple 3 floor fort if the area you have moved to has no cover

As mentioned above, most players over build and can easily be shot down if you are patient and use their builds as cover.
I'm a terrible builder, but as above the 3 points made for building will get you through the game and provide you with a solid basis for the game.

The basic wall with a ramp behind is my go to build for either attacking someone, or if someone approaches attacking me. It provides fair cover, but you'll always come across 'Bob the builder' who over builds and like said above I now wait it out, let them finish their building while hiding in their builds and take pot shots when the opportunity arises :D
I've just started playing this with my son, I'm starting with Zero Build mode to get used to the general combat, weapons and general game mechanics etc as I'm primarily a player of a traditional oldschool arena FPS. Apart from a very brief experirment with Quake Live when it was a web browser game, it's over 20 years since I played any online FPS except for Quakeworld, what I've observed is:
  • It's more fun than I expected, although this is probably because of playing as a Duo. I think I'd get bored pretty quickly playing solo.
  • Item swapping feels really clunky like I'm micromanging my loadout too much. It would be nice if I could have it eg auto swap a gun of a given type for one of a better rarity rather than having to manually switch and do this. I guess this is because I'm so used to Quakeworld which has no item swapping and instant weapon change.
  • Enemy skill level is very varied. There are a lot of bad players (we won the first 3 matches I played, literally) but you get the occasional very good pairing that shreds us within seconds. Once you get past the first couple of minutes, there aren't that many 'balanced' fights it seems (although they are really enjoyable when they do happen). TTK seems surprisingly low (rightly or wrongly I have a perception that modern games tend to be attritional in nature).
  • Is it always on the same map in Battle Royale mode or can you change map?
Part of me thinks I'm wasting my time learning Zero Build, cos presumably Fort building is the USP of Fortnite, and there might be better generic games of this style out there (PUBG?). Like, if you're going to play Fortnite, play it properly innit bruv.
I can see that it must be higher skill to have building involved, but I'm just trying to be realistic that I'll mentally struggle with the additional dimension, it's hard enough just remembering that I can knock down walls/rooves or use a grapple etc.
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