*** Forum Update - Official Issues Thread - Please check the OP for known issues ***

Watched threads used to only show threads with unread posts by default, would prefer that behaviour if its possible via an admin setting.

Also the disable viewing of avatars setting doesnt seem to do anything.

The only two issues I noticed so far.
Awaiting the 'they look identical' reply...
I'm pleased to say you'll be disappointed as I can just see the difference in throwup's side-by-side post. I'm not sure it's a worthwhile difference though. The light gray style that Talk Photography and Shooting the Breeze use as default would be a welcome option.
I'm pleased to say you'll be disappointed as I can just see the difference in throwup's side-by-side post. I'm not sure it's a worthwhile difference though. The light gray style that Talk Photography and Shooting the Breeze use as default would be a welcome option.
they are quite a lot different, sounds like your monitor might not be showing enough colors?
Cant say that im a fan of the color normal blueish, seems off from before or its the way things are shaped and this site on mobile now is horrible, scrolling the categories im only seeing about one third of the threads as before, used to be category title with post counts underneath but now there is a last replied thread I think. Used to have a scroll and read before bed but don't think I will now.
I'm pleased to say you'll be disappointed as I can just see the difference in throwup's side-by-side post. I'm not sure it's a worthwhile difference though. The light gray style that Talk Photography and Shooting the Breeze use as default would be a welcome option.

As @throwaway4372 says they're really markedly different, literally pale slate grey versus dark brownish grey. It's either your monitor or your eyes if they look in any way close.
Definitely not the eyeballs as they're checked frequently. The monitor is a definite possibility as it is ten years old. I was looking for an excuse to buy a new one.
On the whole very good, thank you to those involved in the update.
Quick question - I'm sure that clicking on the post title used to open the first post of the thread, and clicking the envelope to the left opened the first unread post of the thread, now both take me to the first unread post on the thread, is that a setting I need to change or summat else? Had a look through this thread and can't see that mentioned. Ta :)
On the whole very good, thank you to those involved in the update.
Quick question - I'm sure that clicking on the post title used to open the first post of the thread, and clicking the envelope to the left opened the first unread post of the thread, now both take me to the first unread post on the thread, is that a setting I need to change or summat else? Had a look through this thread and can't see that mentioned. Ta :)
Nope that's intentional now
Page numbers of threads not visible in portrait view on mobile, when browsing GD etc. Can see how many pages are in each thread in landscape.
That might have always been the case??
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