*** Forum Update - Official Issues Thread - Please check the OP for known issues ***

The forum keeps turning green, both on my PC and tablet...anyone else, or is just me being haunted?

And it won't turn back to blue even when I hit blue!


Oh, dear. That’s a shame. I expect it’ll change when we get back from the **** up in the brewery we’re on at the moment :cry:
Maybe its a political thing, rather than being blue and supporting the Tories we've gone all Green party tree huggery...
Noticed in the last few days if someone quotes one of my posts, I don't get a red notification for it, but it displays in the alerts menu when clicked on.

EDIT: It seems changing skins fixed it. Must have broken when the mods messed with us. Screw you, mods.
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Would be nice if we could have the little grace period back for typos. I'm sure when the new software was implemented recently that we had a chance to edit without the little message, so long as no-one had viewed yet.

It annoys me more than it should.
Would be nice if we could have the little grace period back for typos. I'm sure when the new software was implemented recently that we had a chance to edit without the little message, so long as no-one had viewed yet.

It annoys me more than it should.
This change was needed for us to be able to effectively moderate the forum because edits made during the grace period were not visible.
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