Well, after 2 hours last night of Solid FM2, I will definitely be buying this one!..
Graphics - After everyones initial comments, I was expecting much worse then it actually is, I can agree with some of the comments, but the more I look at certain things, the more impressive it is, for example, the scenery/trees/backdrops/sky/reflections/tyre mark lighting, crowds, are all very very well done.. the cars are 'OK'. I think this is where the 'problem' may be, to please the screen shot critics, I think they should have concentrated more on the car's and the track, and left the stunning trees/mountains out of it, but quite frankly once I started racing, I never looked at the graphics again..
Control - The controls are very good, the wheel works very very well, as with all console/pc games, it can never feel like the real thing, but there's enough to give you something to work with.. There is NOTHING WRONG WITH THE BRAKES without ABS, even on the Pad, there is plenty of trigger travel to modulate braking, I had no problem with it all, it's very 'sim' though , but checking the telemetry out, you can see that it doesn't lock up until the last few percent of the brake value..
Physics - The other aspect that a lot of negative comments have been made, so I was prepared for disappointment.. However, I certainly wasn't.. Sure at first it's a bit alien, I'd been playing GTR2 on the PC to get some wheel time in on the MS 360 Wheel, and FM2 does feel different, but when trying to get some good laps in the Mclaren F1 I became very very impressed with the physics. I can't comment on engine/tyre wear etc, as this demo is in arcade mode for that, but I'd say for the massively powerful cars such as the Macca, it responds instantly, as I'd expect, and you can catch it from going pear shaped if you are quick enough, very rewarding. My only comment, other then not being able to appraise tyre/engine wear etc would be that the tracks are, as with all sims, a bit too smooth, there are some minor bumps that make control a bit tricky, but I would love a sim to have a more realistic bumpy surface, forcing you to find the right line to get traction etc.. but that's a criticism of all Sims..
I have seen the comments on Body Roll, and apart from the class A cars being a little 'stiff' there is plenty of squat under acceleration/braking, and there is some body roll, it's not massive granted, but it's definitely there.. maybe they should exaggerate it a bit more to please more people, but it's OK for me.
AI - is on the whole very good, they do move and react most of the time, they will defend their racing line, as expected, but occasionally they will tap you for no apparantly good reason..
MS Wheel Support - On the Class A cars, the wheel seems to offer little, feeling a bit clumsy, and I just reached out for the Pad (had to exit the game to do this) which fely a bit better.. However, going upto the TVR and then the Macca F1, the wheel starts to really come into it's own, this is when you need the finer control offered by the wheel, and the longer brake/accelerator travel gives you a more progressive braking/accelerating experience, very necessary for decent lap times. The pad is OK, and people where getting good laptimes with it, but for consistancy and the whole experience, as well as being able to put in good lap times, the wheel doesn't disappoint..
Conclusion -
The graphics could have been done differently to please the masses, there are some really superb graphics in the game, they are just not centered around the car ala GTHD, but then GT:HD is the opposite, beautiful cars, crap everything else.. FM2 is beautiful everything else, decent enough cars..
Other then that, a great game, certainly 8-9/10..