Forza 2 Demo - Feedback

Coca Cola Paintjob :eek:

Chill Winston.

I've ordered it in any case, there just seems to be an awful lot of conflicting reports.

If you've got the NTSC-J version and it works on your UK system or personally know someone that does then that's good enough for me.
PiKe said:
I think what he's trying to say is we arent allowed to discuss it till it is?

Or more likely post 'i just done.. here is my screenshot..' in threads.

Happened during the GoW release too.
RuMp3l4$k1n said:
I thought the disscusion and images in here were from ppls JAP NTSC copies not any pirated ones. In which case are import shots not allowed?

Maybe the problem is that you can "download" the NTSC-J one and also it only came out on Friday in Japan (I think).

RuMp3l4$k1n said:
I thought the disscusion and images in here were from ppls JAP NTSC copies not any pirated ones. In which case are import shots not allowed?

Gettin it so quick is the art though, it used to be if you showed a box/disc/manual pic with your ocuk name they would let you talk away to your heart is content.
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