Forza 2 latest Update and Demo Discussion Thread

Mr Latte said:
I agree their is loads of cars not in the game but should we complain about those or be glad for the ones that are in the game. Like i tried to put across with the tunning it really means you have more than 300+ cars in the game because of so many tuning options.

Yeah but there all quick cars anyway...

It would have been amusing to "tune" 1.2 Clio's to beat Skylines!
Andybtsn said:
Yeah but there all quick cars anyway...

It would have been amusing to "tune" 1.2 Clio's to beat Skylines!

Dan Greenwalt once said that the game uses many real world components for upgrading and tuning. They also had to offer certain upgrades of their own because with certain cars you just dont get many aftermarket performance parts.

Most of the cars are faily quick which is a good thing for a racing simulator, although some of the more mundane cars could be fun to tune up just to see how far you can take them, particulary something like the Volvo's
Mr Latte said:
Kreee as for positioning i suppose it trial and error.
For me i know comfort will be a major factor to my concentration.
Well I have no wheel to trial mate so unless I purchase it I have no grounds for forming an opinion. I was hoping someone could offer opinions on it.

My setup:


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Bound to be a few guys here that can help you and are using it attached to a desk. I dont see it any different though to a PC user using a wheel at a desk so havnt any reasons to think it should be much of a problem, your seating position should be above the wheel looking down or into the screen, no?

Actually seen a few like this setup in the Show Us Your X360 thread.
Sorry cant offer much more help at this time.
Mr Latte said:

Just comparing some performance specs and why is it that one of my favourite supercars the Porsche 959 which is now 20 years old offers practically the same perfromance in 0-60 and the quarter mile to the 2007 Porsche 911 GT3. What a 20 year old Porsche competing with a brand new model, cant wait to get my 959 in the game and add a nice paint scheme:)

Wow missed that in the list til you mentioned it. Its always been porsche and lambo for me over the ferrari's. I freakin love the 959, will never forget the year I first saw one. Bournemouth in 89. Or when it tonked the field in the paris dakar. Why did they stop making them. :(

So I noticed say the 206 in the list. Are you saying I can tune one of those to be able to compete with a supercar?
dannyjo22 said:
So I noticed say the 206 in the list. Are you saying I can tune one of those to be able to compete with a supercar?

No its meant to be pretty realistic. Take the Volvo if tuned up it should still give some BMWs or other European cars a good run for their money which it normally wouldnt.

Realistically you could buy a 18k Type R and spend 50k on modifing it in the real world because the parts are their to do it. That 60k+ Type R would now probably blow off many standard spec Ferrari or Porsche cars, its madness sure but its possible.

Each car will have certain limits but the game is essientially designed with real world licensced components/upgrades and their own made up upgrades to allow lots of different options.

The tuning is a whole mini game in its own right because you maybe want your car to have a high Class B rating but not take it into a low Class A rating. So certain upgrades combined will give different ratings its finding which components matched together let you maximise the PI rating your car can have within a class.

For instance tuning a engine in a certain car and adding all the tune up components to their maximium may give you a car that does an amazing 0-60 but the car cant handle in corners or brake fast enough so the PI rating is going to be severly effected. Its not a case of just topping up with all the most expensive parts and thats the best the car can be, no its delving in matching swapping parts now to see what gives you the best PI rating or having a similar rating with perhaps one option giving better handling yet another option giving less handling but better braking.

Hope its not confusing but the tuning in this game is what will make the racing much better than many racing games, trust me....

It sure as hell also beats the usual formula do 10 races win money get to the garage buy all the most expensive parts and bingo thats that car tuned to perfection. No No No Now you have to mess around to see which upgrades give you the best performance it may not just be the most expensive in every catagory and remember you maybe want to stay within a car class.
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Attach to the desk the HDTV is on and raise the HDTV by a few inches if need be and of course push it back so your not too close to it.....

You could even consider wall mounting the TV via a bracket or some form of shelf.
I'm tingling just waiting for the demo now!

Really considering a cheap HD tv or 2nd Widescreen monitor so i can play the demo & game when working :) (Work from home)

Its gonna be great!! :D
Mr Latte said:

Attach to the desk the HDTV is on and raise the HDTV by a few inches if need be and of course push it back so your not too close to it.....

You could even consider wall mounting the TV via a bracket or some form of shelf.
I can't wall mount it as I'm in a rented student house with cardboard walls. The pictures do make it look a lot worse than it is, although it's probbaly worth looking for a smaller table to plonk in front of the one the TV is on. The TV cannot be pushed further back due to a desk lamp behond it providing ambient light.
I don't know how high you desk is Kreee but here is how mine looks with a wheel.The office chair is at max height but thats just so you might compair.




If your desk is the same height then i find it perfect for the wheel.

I'd love to have a proper seat though so i could use it with the projector.


This pic doesn't do it justice.It looks amazingly clear in HD even at 92".
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Cant beat a big screen, nice well i suppose you can you could have 3x projectors :)

Updated the first couple of posts with additional info regarding the game and some links including manual for the wheel.
i-bert said:
Its a panasonic AE500.Its got nearly 2000 hours on the bulb but still seems pretty bright.

Nothing wrong with that.
However you could probably get a cheapish upgrade selling it and upgrading to the new model.

Only cost me £500 to upgrade from the AE700 to the new PT-AX100E but offering a very big upgrade in performance, including the 1080p input compatibility with HDMI and of course you have to consider the price of replacing a bulb eventually like i did so a very affordable upgrade indeed i thought.

The PT-AX100E is available for £850 if you shop around and you should get at least £200 - £250 for the model you have if selling.
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Mr Latte said:
Nothing wrong with that.
However you could probably get a cheapish upgrade selling it and upgrading to the new model.

Only cost me £500 to upgrade from the AE700 to the new PT-AX100E but offering a very big upgrade in performance, including the 1080p input compatibility with HDMI and of course you have to consider the price of replacing a bulb eventually like i did so a very affordable upgrade indeed i thought.

The PT-AX100E is available for £850 if you shop around and you should get at least £200 - £250 for the model you have if selling.

Projector prices lately are stunning... I'm still on my Sanyo Z3, and still impressed, but I am waiting for the 1080p's to come down a bit.. when they go under £1500, I might have to change...
I agree but the way i seen it was my bulb usage wasnt that high i sold for a decent price didnt pay a fortune to upgrade considering a new bulb would be approx £200 within a years time if i didnt upgrade so i looked at the upgrade as only £300
Definately a mega improvement over the AE900 and AE700 which the Z3 i know was similar in performance too.
Thing is if you hang on too long to the model you have you may just find it harder to sell because of the bulb usage and that the prices have dropped so much.

My intention is to hold onto the AX 100 for maybe a year, loose very little in selling it and go for a full 1080p if their within the £1200 pricepoint next year.

I look forward to seeing some big screen gaming photos from some of you guys. If some of you have 2x 360s you should even consider running the 2nd on a monitor for a rearview mirror.
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Mr Latte said:

My intention is to hold onto the AX 100 for maybe a year, loose very little in selling it and go for a full 1080p if their within the £1200 pricepoint next year.

I look forward to seeing some big screen gaming photos from some of you guys. If some of you have 2x 360s you should even consider running the 2nd on a monitor for a rearview mirror.

I thought about that but my LCD gives off to much light which as you know isn't ideal for projectors.
i-bert said:
I don't know how high you desk is Kreee but here is how mine looks with a wheel.The office chair is at max height but thats just so you might compair.[IMG]



If your desk is the same height then i find it perfect for the wheel.

I'd love to have a proper seat though so i could use it with the projector.


This pic doesn't do it justice.It looks amazingly clear in HD even at 92".[/QUOTE]
Desk is about the same height judging by your pics. The TV is 37" but I doubt I'll have any issues. Thanks matey!
lowrider007 said:
burnout revenge is 60fps, I never knew that, do you know if that is upto 60 or locked at 60 b-cos I've noticed it get quite joggy on my system when there is a big crash or too much action or screen, I've noticed the same in COD3 also :(
Sorry, I don't know :)
Mr Latte said:
If some of you have 2x 360s you should even consider running the 2nd on a monitor for a rearview mirror.

I'm gonna try that. If I can get the 2nd copy of the game on rental. Really dont fancy two retail discs. :D
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