dannyjo22 said:
So I noticed say the 206 in the list. Are you saying I can tune one of those to be able to compete with a supercar?
No its meant to be pretty realistic. Take the Volvo if tuned up it should still give some BMWs or other European cars a good run for their money which it normally wouldnt.
Realistically you could buy a 18k Type R and spend 50k on modifing it in the real world because the parts are their to do it. That 60k+ Type R would now probably blow off many standard spec Ferrari or Porsche cars, its madness sure but its possible.
Each car will have certain limits but the game is essientially designed with real world licensced components/upgrades and their own made up upgrades to allow lots of different options.
The tuning is a whole mini game in its own right because you maybe want your car to have a high Class B rating but not take it into a low Class A rating. So certain upgrades combined will give different ratings its finding which components matched together let you maximise the PI rating your car can have within a class.
For instance tuning a engine in a certain car and adding all the tune up components to their maximium may give you a car that does an amazing 0-60 but the car cant handle in corners or brake fast enough so the PI rating is going to be severly effected. Its not a case of just topping up with all the most expensive parts and thats the best the car can be, no its delving in matching swapping parts now to see what gives you the best PI rating or having a similar rating with perhaps one option giving better handling yet another option giving less handling but better braking.
Hope its not confusing but the tuning in this game is what will make the racing much better than many racing games, trust me....
It sure as hell also beats the usual formula do 10 races win money get to the garage buy all the most expensive parts and bingo thats that car tuned to perfection. No No No Now you have to mess around to see which upgrades give you the best performance it may not just be the most expensive in every catagory and remember you maybe want to stay within a car class.