Forza 2 latest Update and Demo Discussion Thread

Been doing a bit of speculating....

Turn submitted the game to Microsoft approx April 25th.
Dan Greenwalt confirmed at the French Presentation at Paul Ricard the game was finished after over two years development approx April 27th.

Lets assume this is the first full week Microsoft get to test the game prior to going Gold. Its not unliklely a week would be a suitable time for this proceedure.

The Japanese release is the first on May 25th
Production and distrubution would take approx 2 weeks prior to this release.
This means Gold status would have to be met for Friday 11th at the very latest.

Its safe to now assume the Demo if being released when the Game goes gold could appear within the week.
Not sure the game has to be gold to get a demo out, I am sure the FM1 demo came out a good month or so before release, they just need to put a warning that its a demo and the final product might change :)
Lost planet had an E3 demo like a year before the game came out..

Arnt demos/new content usually added on wednesdays?
Mr Men said:
Not sure the game has to be gold to get a demo out, I am sure the FM1 demo came out a good month or so before release, they just need to put a warning that its a demo and the final product might change :)
Yep I know Codemasters have a habit of doing this, and stating 'demo not based on final code' and so on.
gord said:
People ask me if im an optimist, I say, I hope so..

<shamelessly ripped: word to your mother Bill Bailey>
People ask me if im an optimist and I say no, it's next door.
Mr Men said:
Not sure the game has to be gold to get a demo out, I am sure the FM1 demo came out a good month or so before release, they just need to put a warning that its a demo and the final product might change :)

Your right of course it doesnt but i think Che stated thats the way it would happen that the Live demo would come from the full release and both be certified together.

Chances are its already done for the demo so were all now victims of Microsofts advertising campaign plans. Like ive stated earlier i think we will hear of confirmation from a press release rather than it just appear.

Thats Microsofts job and not turn 10's.
We also havnt yet heard anything of Dan Greenwalts UK visit which is to happen this week. I think we just might know more within the next couple of days guys.
Seems May is a VERY big month for Xbox 360

Gow Map Pack May 3rd
Live Update May 8th
Halo 3 Beta May 16th

Theirs going to be some down time for the update not sure if this has been dated yet, but usually is in advance.

I cant see them releasing the demo before the 8th. It makes more sense to have a majority of users running the update before you release Forza 2 and Halo 3 which should take Live to a new level of traffic. You also dont want to be releasing Forza 2 demo and the Halo3 Beta in the same period.

Taking all this onboard and with the assumption Gold status must be reached by about May 11th i can be optimistic we will see the demo after the 8th May update and before the Halo 3 beta on the 16th.

What your guess?
dont think the update will change anything for the forza demo, I say this week, plus least if they have the demo out before the update gives them another thing to add to their list of things to do when Live is down :D
I've just got my mind set on the release date now.I'm fed up with MS for the lack of a date for the demo.I thought it would have been a couple of weeks before the Halo beta but that would be today so god knows.
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