Forza 2: No AA in final version

Mr Latte said:
No im a lover of racing games.

PGR3 GTHD Forza 2 DIRT Sega Rally PGR4 i will buy them all...

You're a forza fanboy just admit it!!!

**cough** cheerleader **cough** :p
No AA?

Having played the demo it looks pretty much like 2X AA in the game, to me at least. Is it absolutely positively certain that there's no AA whatsoever?
Memphis said:
Yet another trashed thread.

We need some ****** mods in this forum.

I really cannot see why this keeps happening in Forza threads. Its beyond pathetic. Its not happening in other games people are split over.

The only possible reason I can see is the game may or may not come up to peoples expectations and they are using it as a stick to beat Mr Latte. Childish one up manship.

Purely being attacked for his enthusiam to a racing game.

Ok if it sucks move on to another thread, why is that so hard?
OK, I just fired up GT:HD and have it running side by side with Forza 2, both on 24" screens, one a 2045 the other a 2407.

GT:HD does have it's good points, the car models are very nice indeed, the lighting could be considered more realistic (although it could be argued it's too washed out) The crowd look quite good, but they look that good due to some very clever texturing. The environment is just as my earlier impressions, low detail and bland, a fraction of what Forza is trying to display. One annoying thing I've noticed on several PS3 games is a halo around objects, it's present on the GT:HD cars.

Forza 2, yes the cars are obviously lower poly but there are 8 of them rather than 1, big suprise there's a detail difference. The lighting could be improved but it's partly a difference in style. The environment looks so much more interesting in Forza, with some very nice trees, but the pit buildings could be improved, with so many more objects on display though, texture limitations are surely part of the problem.

Personally I think textures are let down by both consoles just not having the capability to handle whats required when running at high definition.
robbiemc said:
Opinions on a game you haven't played. Play the game then come back and cause trouble.
Offering an opinion on a game I haven't played, I guess nobody should have posted about Forza 2 until today then right?
dirtydog said:
Offering an opinion on a game I haven't played, I guess nobody should have posted about Forza 2 until today then right?
I haven't.
Theres been speculation on videos and screen grabs. Now the demo is out we can actually discuss what it plays like. That's what video games are for, right, actually playing?
Judging a game on static shots or video is pointless, if you want to do that then discuss TV shows, or art, or some other non-interactive medium, but a game is about playing.
A pack of cars looks pretty dull until you play a game with them.
If you're that upset about how the game looks, then play it. If you're still unhappy about it then don't play it again - play something you actually do enjoy. I'm guessing there is something that you do enjoy doing, right? (apart from baiting people on these forums of course).
You're clearly underwhelmed with the 360, and that's fine, we're all entitled to opinions, but instead of constantly complaining about them here, do something constructive about it.
As you think that the developers are lazy..well why don't you write to them? If that's not effective then get qualified and get a job as a game producer - clearly they're all currently useless, right?
McManicMan said:
if this was a ps3 game it would be getting a right slating no doubt, and rightly deserved
When did you get all righteous about PS3 and anti-Xbox360? :p
I've noticed it in a couple of posts lately, just seems odd as you were never off your Xbox360!
dirtydog said:
Dozens here have. Go and flame them for daring to discuss and offer opinions without having played it...
I'm not flaming anyone, I'm trying to regain some balance and objectivity into what was once a decent forum.
I'm quite sure you'll agree that you're probably the most outspoken of anyone here on a variety of topics, right?
robbiemc said:
I'm not flaming anyone, I'm trying to regain some balance and objectivity into what was once a decent forum.
I'm quite sure you'll agree that you're probably the most outspoken of anyone here on a variety of topics, right?
Probably :) Balance and objectivity are what I want too. Balance implies having differing viewpoints and opinions.
I'm finished with this forum.

It's such a depressing place to be.

Jumpurs,Mcmanicman and dirtydog.I hope you are happy.

I'll cya on AVForums MrLatte.
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