Had a blast on this last night and came away feeling a bit meh and slightly disappointed. Don't know why, but I felt Forza 4 was a much better game over all. Graphics wise, it's just a step up, at most, from the previous game (looks good don't get me wrong), butI certainly didn't come away thinking 'wow that's next gen that', it just didn't have that sparkle like the previous games, or offer that next gen feel. I'm sure with the next Forza, things will be much better, I hope!
I'll score it 6/10
Question for you Forza 5 owners. I have read the micro transactions are OTT in this game and I have read that some cars if you wanted to buy them cost more than £13. My view on this is if you have spent £50 on a game you should get the full game.
Normally in this type of game your progression through the game would unlock cars and track. Can you still do this with Forza 5? Do you feel as though you are grinding to unlock cars?
No, you can still unlock and buy cars normally, and it's not too hard in terms of grinding. Not to Gran Turismo levels anyway
Car DLC has been part of Forza and other games for a while now, this is nothing new, and I think the £13 you quote is for a full car pack, not just 1 car.
Question for you Forza 5 owners. I have read the micro transactions are OTT in this game and I have read that some cars if you wanted to buy them cost more than £13. My view on this is if you have spent £50 on a game you should get the full game.
Normally in this type of game your progression through the game would unlock cars and track. Can you still do this with Forza 5? Do you feel as though you are grinding to unlock cars?
I've not played it yet, as a casual fan would I enjoy it or is it too in depth?
All this talk of DLC and micro-transactions have me more than a little worried...
How are you guys finding the new impulse triggers in Forza? I believe they're used for tire feedback?