Forza 5 Announced

Im pretty sure you can also receive a ! (Dirty lap) indicator if you messed up on the last sector of the PREVIOUS LAP.

Yes that's very familiar to me from Forza 3, and also in Forza 5 now.

What annoys me, well that list is massive so I'll keep this limited to Forza, is other cars driving into you screws your lap up. Even at harder skill levels for the Drivatars they can screw you up.

Saying that, what seemed counter intuitive to me was the higher I set the Drivatar skill level the easier the game got for me (I'm still crap but not as crap), but I suppose that's because the Drivatars are less prone to stupid braking and other stuff.

All good, but a little frustrating, fun.
Saying that, what seemed counter intuitive to me was the higher I set the Drivatar skill level the easier the game got for me (I'm still crap but not as crap), but I suppose that's because the Drivatars are less prone to stupid braking and other stuff.
As you say, that is counter-intuitive but it does kind of make sense.

What level have you set the drivatar skill level to? I assume you went from the default setting?
At the speeds and on the tracks we're talking about, would that advantage actually appear?

Ask T10. They wrote the physics engine.

Im pretty sure you can also receive a ! (Dirty lap) indicator if you messed up on the last sector of the PREVIOUS LAP.

Correct. It's to prevent people getting an advantage over the start line from getting a push from a faster car or cutting the final corners. It's worse on some tracks than others depending on where the sector break is.

If dirty laps are that much of an issue for you then do a couple of clean ones after the race using the rivals/leaderboard option.
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Having fun last night powersliding an E39 M5 around.

I have however had 0 patches.

Also i did the forza rewards and it told me I could claim a 100k credit reward, which I did.

I logged into my account on the ONE and started playing, checked messages and no mention of a reward, and my credits have not gone up. SO it appears I don't get my rewards?

From what people have said it sounds like I am playing a completely different game lol?
I have just gone back to the forza reward site, logged in and it shows I am logged in but says I need an xbox live account to use it??? Go to xbox live account to register for a new account... I go there and it logs me in. So it appears that Rewards is broken :/
Ask T10. They wrote the physics engine.
Doubt they'd give me the time of day. :(

If dirty laps are that much of an issue for you then do a couple of clean ones after the race using the rivals/leaderboard option.
Might do that, thanks for the suggestion. :)

I have however had 0 patches.
Weird. None at all?

I have just gone back to the forza reward site, logged in and it shows I am logged in but says I need an xbox live account to use it??? Go to xbox live account to register for a new account... I go there and it logs me in. So it appears that Rewards is broken :/
What browser are you using?

Are you signing in on and then clicking on the Rewards link?
There was a Super Pack (or something like that) pre-launch which was the car pack one, plus three "expansions" which I'm thinking are tracks. Give that the game is £50 to start with it's going to get expensive.
I've got the achievement for leading online races for 500 miles, but haven't yet got the one for 110 medals. Maybe i'll get the lead for 1000 miles, before the 200 medals achievement too.

I just unlocked the achievement for leading online races for 1000 miles, 10 more medals for the 200 online medals achievement.

I've been racing a lot of C-Class, If anyone wants some fast online cars (assuming your driving style is similar to mine). You can get the tune names from my sig to try out, i've been a long way out front using these, lapping people on the shorter tracks..

cornering circuits - mx5, 190e, s2000, gt86
power circuits - e-type, '73 trans am, mr2, clio v6

The others are more all round cars, i like my cars a bit loose with more power, the gt86 is the only car that is 100% handling.
Anybody still playing this who wants an exclusive car? Got given a code for one by MS but I don't even have an Xbox :(


Edit: ?Just gone to redeem the code and it's for a Mclaren MP4-12C, I already have this car, so if anyone else would like the code then let me know here.
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Just searched it up, it's not a Ferrari :o

2011 McLaren Forza Motorsport MP4-12C

Edit: NP :) Hope you enjoy it.
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