Forza Horizon 3 just shown at E3

Its been a while since I played Forza seriously (circa forza 2/3 days). How does hosting a game work on on Horizon from a settings perspective? In Forza two I could force the other players to have driving aids off/racing line off/damage on/In car view ect.

Is the same level of control available on the latest Forza games?
I think ppl just need to wait for an official response to when the demo is up. At the moment the confusions is brought about by the gamers. It'll be out when it's out, it's just a demo at the end of the day, tomorrow makes way more sense than today so will just check back tomorrow evening.
Yeah exactly, The amount of posts on Reddit of people posting screenshots of chats to support is quite hilarious. Its a DEMO! haha.
im just curious to see performance on pc, beyond that, figure ill just blast about get used to the handling, decide if its worth the faff of setting up the wheel or just stick to 360 pad.
Check out the worldwide debut of the Forza Horizon 3 demo live on Twitch! Join the Forza team as we head to Australia for some high-speed automotive action in our exclusive look at the demo, available on Xbox One starting today! Forza Horizon 3 coming to Xbox One and Windows 10 PCs on September 27!

sept 27.. fuuuu
Right now I think half of the annoyance is that they're not confirming or denying it.

They're saying absolutely nothing at all even when people are spamming in twitch chat and such.
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