Forza Horizon 3 just shown at E3

17 Oct 2002
The Horizon games have always been fine at 30FPS, the standard Forza series is 60FPS because it needs to be for added precision in the controls.



17 Jan 2007
don;t read the store page then, so many crying and rating two stars due to lack of PC demo.

Wow, they never actually said this share play with PC /Xbox would include demos of X1 games. But there you go.

The whole store page and reviews are a joke, people rating it 5 stars without even playing it.

Downloading the XB1 demo as I type.
7 Aug 2013
Sorry to hurt your feelings. I got nothing against consoles as i own a ps4 also, but racers shouldnt be capped at 30 fps.
I like my 60fps racers as much as the next guy, but you dont get to proclaim what a game like this *should* run at. Fact is - tons of people have enjoyed the Horizon franchise just fine at 30fps up til now. Like Driveclub, they run a much higher controller polling rate and use high quality motion blur and a healthy amount of MSAA in order to provide a nice feeling and looking game without requiring 60fps. I'm totally psyched to play this game at 60fps myself, dont get me wrong, I think it will be much better, but non-sim racing games dont necessarily *need* 60fps to be playable and enjoyable.

Either way, my point is that you shouldn't make such disparaging comments about console gamers. It's unnecessary and makes you look like a jackass. Same as somebody driving some fancy Ferrari looking down on people who drive a Toyota GT86 or whatever. Y'all are both enjoying your hobby, just appreciate that and respect one another.
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10 May 2004
South UK
Just tried the demo, it didn't blow me away really. It was just fun to pass the time and I def will not be stumping up for the asking price.

Shame it's capped to 30fps, hopefully the PC version won't be. Games like this show both the consoles Pro's and cons: whilst it looks quite nice, the 30 cap lets it down. It's seems these consoles are so limited when trying to achieve good detail and 60fps which is shocking really. Even the main Forza series CAN achieve 60fps, unfortunately they lack visual fidelity and look bland to me.
7 Aug 2013
Shame it's capped to 30fps, hopefully the PC version won't be. Games like this show both the consoles Pro's and cons: whilst it looks quite nice, the 30 cap lets it down. It's seems these consoles are so limited when trying to achieve good detail and 60fps which is shocking really. Even the main Forza series CAN achieve 60fps, unfortunately they lack visual fidelity and look bland to me.
PC version is not capped at 30fps. It has no framerate cap at all, in fact.

And yes, consoles are limited. More news at 11. You act like you've just discovered this or something. They are $250-400 boxes designed and built years ago. I think they're pretty damn good for the price and form factor.

Also, I'd say that Forza Motorsport 6 looks great, even on XB1. Lacks some AA, but is overall a very finely presented racing game and a top showcase for the system.
26 Sep 2013
West End, Southampton
From a Turn10 employee

I care less about the PC demo not being released than I do about their refusing to just tell us what's going on. They could at least say "We're hoping to release a PC demo but it depends on the release of Play Anywhere," or something to that effect. I'm getting the game regardless, but clear communication feels better than the unfortunately typical Microsoft stonewalling.
The guy o the twitch stream is a Turn 10 employee and he is not answering peoples question about a PC demo.

Actually the Forza Twitch stream Mod did answer that question directly when asked is a Demo was coming to the PC, he said YES although he noted that he did not have a date/time, i'd guess after tomorrow's "play-anywhere" event.

I took some screenshots (just took time to find a upload site) of the chat - the MOD is in RED (Skreamies1) with a SWORD icon and he was answering to @burnoutforzai.

Hope this helps because i'm holding out on my PC pre-order until i can get my hands on the Demo, i even deleted Forza 6: Apex this afternoon in preparation...



To clarify, whilst Skreamies is a valued member of our Twitch moderator team he ISN'T an employee of Turn 10 Studios.

At present we have no news to announce regarding a PC demo.

I interpret that as no PC demo. I mean, they've never actually said one is coming to PC, there's nothing in the store which says PC demo. So it's a big fat 80 quid punt or wait until after the 23rd for opinions on performance.
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24 Mar 2011
I hope there is a PC demo because if apex is anything to go by then we'll be getting one mess of a game. I shouldn't be suprised to see that wheel support doesn't actually work properly, and the resolution settings are completely broken in certaint multi monitor setups.

I was hyped to play FH3 after not buying an xbone (FH on the 360 was great), but the shoddy console port we seem to be getting isn't worth the time or the money IMO.



17 Jan 2007
Well I've just had a good blast of the XB1 demo, its good. If you enjoyed FH1 and 2 then you will like this. More of the same, but bigger and better.

It looks good for an XB1 title, can only imaging it should look stunning on PC. Heres hoping.

I've just ordered the Ultimate Edition. :o
7 Aug 2013
I hope there is a PC demo because if apex is anything to go by then we'll be getting one mess of a game. I shouldn't be suprised to see that wheel support doesn't actually work properly, and the resolution settings are completely broken in certaint multi monitor setups.

I was hyped to play FH3 after not buying an xbone (FH on the 360 was great), but the shoddy console port we seem to be getting isn't worth the time or the money IMO.
Wheel support was only recently introduced and works fine for most people.

And sure, resolution settings for the odd multi-monitor setups might have issues here and there.

It's no wonder many developers look past or dont prioritize PC gamers. This sort of insane level of standards is nearly impossible to meet. Any little shortcoming can result in widespread complaints and bashing.

And it's all the more ridiculous when you're preemptively judging without actually having played the game or basing your opinion on other people's impressions or something. You're just making assumptions and making further cynical assumptions based on those earlier assumptions.

Dont buy the game. PLEASE dont buy this game. You are the perfect example of the sort of PC gamer that these pubs/devs will hopefully leave behind. And instead grow a support of consumers who aren't so full of nonsense and have an ounce of reasonability to them and aren't gonna bash a developer because they haven't implemented every option under the sun. PC gaming really needs to grow into that mode and gain even a slight appreciation that developers even want to make games for the PC audience at all.



17 Jan 2007
PC Demo Upate
We know fans are curious about the state of a Windows 10 PC demo for Forza Horizon 3. A standalone “Forza Horizon 3” PC demo will be released sometime after launch. We invite all players who are eager to play Forza on PC to try “Forza Motorsport 6: Apex”, available now in the Windows 10 Store for free. The Windows 10 version of “Forza Horizon 3” has been built in lockstep with our learnings from “Forza Motorsport 6: Apex”, which just released out of Beta last week and added wheel support. We’re dedicated to bringing the quality and innovation our fans expect from Forza to the PC, and we’re confident players will have a fantastic experience with “Forza Horizon 3” at launch.



17 Jan 2007
Well its the same game engine. But the performance might not be quite the same, to quote a post I saw on Reddit that says it better than I could...

The real differences between the two are static, small scale tracks and static, pre-baked lighting in Apex vs constantly streaming open world with dynamic lighting from a complete day & night cycle in Horizon. Apex (I assume he means Forza 6) runs at 60fps on console, Forza Horizon has to be capped to 30fps on console because of the added performance drain with the full open world and dynamic lighting.
11 Aug 2012
S.E Wales
payday, time to pre order the ultimate edition.

good question, When pre ordering, should I be using the account I use for my xbox since I have friends on that account, or does it matter? Because my windows log in is different to my xbox log in.
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16 Mar 2009
I've two options with this, get it on XBOX one for £42 or get it on PC for £50. PC is my preference but as with any PC multiplayer game hackers are a concern. Are microsoft store games easily hacked or should I feel completely fine about Forza on PC?
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