Forza Horizon 3 just shown at E3

Genuinely hope it gets sorted for people to play. I was VERY close to buying but seeing top end systems struggling with it I think I'll just wait and play it on my sons XB1 when he gets it!
Ah thank you!!

Can you only obtain these cars with a car pass or can you unlock them by playing the game?
Could you in the last one??!

No you can't unlock them, you can only obtain them via the car pass.

It's up to you whether it's worth it, there are 350 cars in the standard lineup so plenty of choice regardless.
Not had the issue myself but apparently a cause of crashing can be due to microphone being enabled. Just disabling in windows is supposed to fix. May help someone.
i7 5930 @ 4.4Ghz
16GB Ram
Titan X (Maxwell) SLI
Acer X34a 3440x1440 monitor

My system defaulted to Ultra, and had set the resolution to something weird like 4096x2160 (real 4k). I fiddled about, changed the resolution to 3440x1440, turned Dynamic off, turned V-SYNC off and left everything at Ultra and played the opening section and it was running at 45-65 fps.

I then knocked MSAA down from 4x to 2x and didn't notice much of a difference in performance.

It's running on my Windows partition on a blazing quick Samsung 950 Pro NVMe and I noticed one or two moments when there was a stutter.

But I played it for 2 hours in the end and I guess G-sync was doing it's job as I didn't notice the framerate dips when they happened.

It's more than playable, and that's without all these tweaks I'm hearing about in regards to turning Hyper-threading off (though in 2016, you shouldn't really have to do that)

I don't think SLI is working yet either, so there could be a future boost from that if the developers ever support Multi GPU.

Great game from what I've played. The particle effects with the rain on the windscreen was really impressive. The rain on the road didn't look great though. Thought there might be a bug with that as I was expecting some nice reflections but it just looked a bit like a silvery/grey-ish blob
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has anyone got their VIP status and extra cars yet?

Seems VIP rewards are bugged on PC at the moment mate. They're working on it. :)

Heres some things I remember from Apex that fixed some of the stutter/issues that might transfer over to FH3.

- If you have the xbox app turn off game DVR.
- Don't use Dynamic settings.
- Set the FPS as unlocked with V Sync off.
- Turning off MSAA seemed to fix my stutter almost completely (only tried it for 5 mins last night so I need to test more)

Thats it for now I'll post up more as I read/remember it. :)

Overall though the game seems to run well here at ultra settings, and I tried it on the XB1 this morning and it loaded me in exactly where I left off last night on the PC, which is good. :)
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Also, not sure how related it is but I did a complete fresh install of the new drivers with DDU before playing the game.

What car did everyone pick then? I went with the Mustang as it had the highest PI value. :)
yeah just reading about the VIP stuff.

Also, what the hell is wrong with the photo mode on PC?? have you seen the state of it, it looks totally low res and blurry as hell. Thought i'd go and mess with some pics whilst they sort the VIP issue out, was shocked to see how poor the photo mode is. It looks nowhere near that bad on XB1.
Not for me then, I was 50/50 about the huge price and the release on Mstore anyway. I couldn't justify paying £80 to beta test the game a week early.

I think even at £50 I'd be mad, played all the Forza game pre new gen consoles but Apex didn't wow me like I thought it would.

Hopefully Msoft will release it on Steam like Quantum Leap (or whatever is was called) and I'll pick it up in a sale.

Shame really. Hopefully they learn what is needed now before they release the next Motorsport variant.
few minor fixes and this will be top notch game... car sounds etc sound pretty insane on my setup even woke my housemate up at 4am this morning!

im not getting any stuttering just a weird feeling when going around corners but ive disabled vsync in NCP and ingame and its seem to kinda fix it.. im also not getting max GPU usage either and thats on a i7 @ 4.6k so not bottlenecked!

gonna try HT fix now!

had ZERO crashes too so obviously not the same problems for everyone!
Also, not sure how related it is but I did a complete fresh install of the new drivers with DDU before playing the game.

What car did everyone pick then? I went with the Mustang as it had the highest PI value. :)

Mustang - because it's a mustang

Then the Lamborghini urus thing - because it seemed to be the best and it was the most expensive freebie.
Just for balance, I've played 8 hours now without a single issue and am loving it! Running ultra settings at 4K with shadows at High and MSAA off, staying between 50 and 70 fps and feels smooth. VIP stuff is doubling prize wins as expected and I received the expected bonus cars. It's a shame that some people are encountering issues.
The game looks fantastic Josh, the visuals are breathtaking, the sound are amazing, the customisation it's all there. Just a few issues at the moment for a lot of people, brute force of PC should be destroying this game in all honesty, but it's not. They were bigging up Apex performance, and whilst I wasn't stupid enough to think in a stunning open world environment I'd be hitting 100fps+ like Apex, I was optimistic of keeping a solid locked beautiful 60fps. But no, sadly not, in towns and Festivals it drops in the 40's and even 30's. Weirdly out in the forests with all the gorgeous tress and shadows, I hit 60 to 80fps no problem with Ultra and 1440p. Weird.

I think ill just race in the forest and more so the outback lol..can hit 90fps out there lmao.
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Seems to be a typical PC release then, some have no dramas while others have many.

Sometimes I can't argue against consoles, most of the time it just works which no drama, not saying they are perfect but any means but they don't have to faff around half as much as we do.
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