Forza Horizon 3

What's the full game size for digital download.

I can download games fairly quick over wireless on ps4, just hoping the xbox one is fairly quick as well.

Let get a list of gamer tags up of who is going to play this, this post is the top of page 4 so I will try an keep it updated.

Name - GT
Battery! - Battery000
beachBOYken - beachboyken
Mario - Pushaz99
DigitalX - CTxE InFiNiTE
Rebel rebel - evilesco
Swagger187 - JaCrispy 90
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changed my Standart Edt to Ultimate :D

Xbox tag: pushaz99
Will be playing on PC with pad (due to injuries cant use wheel :( )
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CTxE InFiNiTE I think is my Gamertag..

I will be buying it on PC. I still need to figure out where I need to buy it from to be able to play on BOTH pc and xbox. Just ANYWHERE where it's digital? So I buy it on the xbox store, can play on either yes?

Sorry. :3
CTxE InFiNiTE I think is my Gamertag..

I will be buying it on PC. I still need to figure out where I need to buy it from to be able to play on BOTH pc and xbox. Just ANYWHERE where it's digital? So I buy it on the xbox store, can play on either yes?

Sorry. :3
I got two £40 Xbox Gift Cards from cdkeys(~£74) and used them to buy it on my xbox one. Its now showing as owned in the pc store too.
Demo is live.

However, I could not find it on the Xbox store on the console, I had to 'order' it through the link above on the MS store, it then showed up in My games and Apps on the console.
Think everything's done.. got it on the Microsoft store and now we shall see. Hope that's the right account.. or I'm waiting till 1am on PC lol.
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