I finally got round to watching it!!!
Didn't read the books, so have no reference point, but it seems a bit Hollywood to me. Not very Asimov at all. Or maybe it is just not being portrayed well. My main complaint is the character Gaal Dornick, who seems to spend her entire time running around completely ******** things up! Not once, but multiple times. She is an absolute liability. Even her daughter makes more sense than she does.
You know, it actually makes me quite sad. Back when they were written, the human race was full of optimism. Space flight was just a matter of time. We were set to conquer the speed of light and then the universe. Force fields, ray guns, you name it, everything was possible, everything was going to be better. Now, It's all changed. We have doubts as to whether we will survive the next century, and even if we do then we probably aren't going any further than the solar system.