The Huntress has to be possibly the stupidest character ive seen for a long time. Her "blinded by revenge" game of thrones nonsense just makes no sense.
The amazing tech ancient battleship could barely fend off a few fighter craft and seemed to be taking a lot of damage. These amazing railguns seem to miss and have the worst slowest tracking system ever.
Second Foundation - ok fine fit it in to the timeline of course series 2 makes no sense without. 138 year stasis, very convenient, fine.. its how the shows going to follow events. fine. Good luck not boiling to death in that tiny tin can or being completely obliterated by debris..I wouldn't mind if she dies, shes also a completely emotional moron.
Space Dothraki still terrorising tent city Terminus... yeah whatever why not..... Victim culture is the only drive for tv these days.
Empire Orangeman bad Loki, walked the walk then talked the talk, killed years and years, Wakanda forever priestess after shock horror fake vision... Good for him totally worth it, destroying Asimov's very own law of robots in the process. Such respect for the author, but i guess its outdated anyway? meh
The amazing tech ancient battleship could barely fend off a few fighter craft and seemed to be taking a lot of damage. These amazing railguns seem to miss and have the worst slowest tracking system ever.
Second Foundation - ok fine fit it in to the timeline of course series 2 makes no sense without. 138 year stasis, very convenient, fine.. its how the shows going to follow events. fine. Good luck not boiling to death in that tiny tin can or being completely obliterated by debris..I wouldn't mind if she dies, shes also a completely emotional moron.
Space Dothraki still terrorising tent city Terminus... yeah whatever why not..... Victim culture is the only drive for tv these days.
Empire Orangeman bad Loki, walked the walk then talked the talk, killed years and years, Wakanda forever priestess after shock horror fake vision... Good for him totally worth it, destroying Asimov's very own law of robots in the process. Such respect for the author, but i guess its outdated anyway? meh