Free Shipping for Loyal Forum Members

I am on a different Pc now... That's the only thing that's changed, which obviously shouldn't matter. And I have been sing the forrums a lot recently. I did have a few posts removed for mentioning stuff I wanted to sell... Might I have been banned or something? Hope not. I didn't realise you had to have 1000 posts to be able to tell people you have old stuff to sell :O

Oh, also I forgot my password so had a new one sent out... That's it

If it has been a while since you have ordered, there have been updates to the forum which I think may have knocked the link to the shop off, at least mine had been knocked off after not using it for a while.

Log into the shop website and go to your profile, there is a section to enter your forum username and then at the bottom it will show your free delivery status.
Has the free shipping been downgraded to RM 2nd Class? I used to get DPD Next Day for free (this was like 2 years ago though) but seems like only RM 2nd Class showing as £0.00.

EDIT: Sorry I can't read properly. Just read first post properly. Also updating basket quantity to 2 made it DPD Next Day so obviously there's a price cut off which is fair enough.
where do you check that is says if you're qualified or not dude?


Just above the change password.

Yes I just placed an order 90 minutes ago only to come on here and see I qualified for free shipping, Darnit. Can't complain though as I got a great deal on the card and 2 free games. Have linked my account now so it is active for my big upgrade once Ryzen 3000 is out.
slightly annoying that I just saw this and ive already bought all the parts i need from here :(

Thats £22.30 ill never get back :(
It does say "Free Shipping for Loyal Forum Members - CLICK HERE" in the top right hand corner of the forum. Granted, the big banner ad over it drowns it out but it's still there.
It does say "Free Shipping for Loyal Forum Members - CLICK HERE" in the top right hand corner of the forum. Granted, the big banner ad over it drowns it out but it's still there.

Yeah didnt notice haha!

Either way, id have to have been a member for at least 3 months which im not yet. Andi needed the parts asap, so either way I would have spent on delivery. But good to know in the future that I can buy parts without the need for payingfor delivery which is a good bonus
This is annoying because my first purchase from Overclockers was nearly 20 years ago yet I'm not considered loyal because I'm new to the forums. It wont affect me because I'll have enough forum posts by the time Ryzen 3000 and Navi comes out but still annoying that I'm not considered to be loyal.
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Yeh, I have been shopping with OC for years but only recently joined the forums. Wish I had known about this nice little perk when I first bought something. Ah well! One day...
This is annoying because my first purchase from Overclockers was nearly 20 years ago yet I'm not considered loyal because I'm new to the forums. It wont affect me because I'll have enough forums posts by the time Ryzen 3000 and Navi comes out but still annoying that I'm not considered to be loyal.

Yeh, I have been shopping with OC for years but only recently joined the forums. Wish I had known about this nice little perk when I first bought something. Ah well! One day...

Should have joined the forums sooner!
This is annoying because my first purchase from Overclockers was nearly 20 years ago yet I'm not considered loyal because I'm new to the forums. It wont affect me because I'll have enough forums posts by the time Ryzen 3000 and Navi comes out but still annoying that I'm not considered to be loyal.

You may be loyal, but you're not a loyal forum member.

Not sure what you're annoyed about.
Morning all,
Can anyone share any info on why the free shipping isn't available to Aberdeen. I'm looking to buy a graphics card but keep getting hit with an addition £10 delivery when I go to checkout.
I think I meet all the prerequisites.
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