There's plenty of mirrors and reflective surfaces in HL/HL2.
Errr, no there isn't. There aren't any at all in either game in fact.
There's plenty of mirrors and reflective surfaces in HL/HL2.
There's plenty of mirrors and reflective surfaces in HL/HL2.
I do remember a photograph of some description though. One with Breen's face (if I remember correctly) removed from it. It may have been Freeman's face now actually, thinking about it.
There's plenty of mirrors and reflective surfaces in HL/HL2.
I don't want to turn this into a Link vs Freeman inferno, but I'm going to have to, we can't have Freeman above Link.
The original Zelda outweighs all games. It was genius in pure form. Ground-breaking story telling. Amazing set pieces. blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
If you want to just take the characters. 1 is a fictional man, the other is just too awesome.
Link wins.
I suspect Freeman will win. The Link fans who frequent the net and know about the contest will have voted already, while Freeman will continue to get votes due to all the vote for Freeman threads cropping up everywhere. I've seen spam bots dumping such threads in every section in various forums with a link that takes you straight to the voting page. Couple that with all the ip spoofing that's going on - I know various ardent PC gamers who have voted 10-20 times - and it's looking bad for link.
Freeman may win, but it'll be a hollow victory!
Yes, i'm a bit bitter.
And Freeman takes the lead!
Damn, Link's gaining again.
Come on Freeman!!1
If he wins, he hasn't got a chance vs Mario.