No one here is comparing stock for stock, and i'm struggling to find Overclocked x99 vs ryzen comparisons, the point being that Intel K and x series cpu's are intended to be overclocked and arguably Ryzen is VERY limited in this regard.
Anyway the whole point of this thread was is x99 worth upgrading from yet ? , if you have money to burn then yes , if you have that itch for new tech then yes , if you need lots more cores then yes, upgrading from a 5820k @ 4.5 to a 3600 ? No , pointless , upgrading from a 4.5ghz 5960x to a 3700 ? pointless.
You can 'promote' AMD as much as you like and there is no denial here of the merits of the new Ryzen cpu line up , but at the moment its not exactly groundbreaking night and day stuff especially when comparing core count to core count , and whilst the Ryzen cpu launch showed a huge turning point from AMD's abysmal FX and A-series cpus i was actually surprised that the relative performance gap is so small considering the large differences in process nodes , if anything Intel should be commended as equally as AMD , 7nm VS 14nm and Amd still aren't pulling ahead in an meaningful way (I say meaningful as in people ditching their X99 , Z98. Z97 even X79 ditching their systems in droves )