Fuel price discussion thread (was ‘chaos’)

Aside from a few smaller indie garages/smaller village stuff being out of diesel largely seems to be back to normal around here for now. Though quite a few garages have lots of pumps out of action which is making small queues - I know one has suffered damage to pumps in the recent events but not sure about the others.
Over the course of the day I've driven from Stoke across to Kings Lynn in Norfolk, down to Northampton and back across to Oxford and then finally Banbury - Not seen a single queue anywhere, every garage was fully open and, from the ones where I can actually see the pumps, very VERY few had any "pump empty" signs on any handles, maybe 2-3 pumps in total out of dozens I saw.
My area of North London seems to be well on the way to being back to normal today. All of the six petrol stations I passed had fuel though there were still a lot of pumps out of service so I couldn't make out if they had all grades. No queues off the forecourt anywhere either.

Yesterday only one of the three stations I passed had fuel and cars were queueing onto the road.
Seems to be easing around us as well, east herts, local BP was near empty this morning so grabbed a tank (its been shut every time I have been past it this last week or two)
Petrol and diesel easy to get around my part of Surrey now. There are a few closed pumps here and there but no big deal. I see that prices have shot up so I suspect people who toppped up during the drought will just stay away for a while unless they need some again.
I'd read that one rural garage had sold a "usually lasts 2 months" supply over the space of a weekend.

It didn't help that the "just regurgitate what we're told without investigating whether it's true" school of modern "journalism" was in full effect, with trash headlines like this splashed across multiple newspapers -

LIVE: UK petrol crisis sees 'up to 90% of stations running dry' - https://www.manchestereveningnews.c...ster-news/live-uk-petrol-crisis-sees-21684082

When it was patently obvious to anyone with a brain cell that it was an absolute lie. "Maybe" 90% in certain areas, maybe, but for the media to not investigate the the Petrol Retailers Association (PRA) claim and just regurgitate it as "fact" only added to the problems.
Finally managed to get some petrol this morning after several weeks of nothing around here. No limits so was able to pop £50 in and also the price wasn't as crazy as I've seen elsewhere (136p)
Highest Prices

At what point do people start making fewer discretionary(?) ICE trips, can't see google or govt data that shows whether road congestion, trips are moderating after covid relaxations,
Should help the used PHEV/ev market, when you can get the Octopus 5p overnight unit.

Parents figured out a while back that driving 2 mile round trip to collect a newspaper was more expensive than paying for delivery
Why are prices so high though. They are at record levels whilst crude oil isn't. Taxes haven't increased in ages.

Slightly concerned that they have realised they can charge whatever they want and people will pay for it.
Why are prices so high though. They are at record levels whilst crude oil isn't. Taxes haven't increased in ages.

Slightly concerned that they have realised they can charge whatever they want and people will pay for it.

It’s crazy. They’ve realised that people have no choice. Not just petrol either. I feel for anyone struggling to get by from month to month.
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