Fuel up/down again

The end to the escalator was announced on 9 November 2000, following the UK fuel protests, of which it was a contributory factor. When the escalator ended, fuel in the UK was the most expensive in Europe, with fuel tax representing over 75% of the retail price of fuel. In 1993 UK fuel had been amongst the cheapest in Europe

On the 23rd of March 2011 the government announced a number of tax changes which could affect the price at the pumps. There was an immediate £0.01 per litre cut in the hydro carbon duty rates which meant duty fell to 57.95 pence for both petrol and diesel. The Government also announced a “fair fuel stabiliser” policy which stated that when the price of oil was above a target price (75 USD was proposed for consultation) as it was on 23rd of March 2011, fuel duty would increase by CPI inflation currently 4.4% per year (5.88 pence based on an average price of unleaded of £1.34 for that day) starting on the 1st of January 2012. The fuel duty escalator which was abolished was based on CPI measure of inflation and the Government has also said that if the oil price were to fall below the target price on a sustained basis then they will increase the duty by RPI plus 1 penny. Using RPI rather than CPI at today’s rates for both would see an increase of 1.49 pence per litre because of the change of indexation measure alone.
Conservatives got rid of the constant fuel tax hikes, not sure why they would start doing again now? Hopefully they start taxing diesels more fairly before putting any more taxes on petrol.

I don't know if I would call it 'getting rid of' them, basically what happened was that the Conservatives announced further tax increases but then scrapped them due to concerns about the economy and the fact people were already being hit by higher oil prices. To be truly getting rid of would imply not announcing rises in the first place.

Looking back at recent years difficult to tell exactly what rises were deferred so may be some duplication but a quick glance suggests the tories had planned at least the following hikes (may well be some more but quick look turned up the following):
Sept 2014 (3p)
Sept 2013 - deferred from April 2013 (2p)
Jan 2013 (3p)
August 2012 - deferred from April 2012 (2p)
Jan 2012 - deferred from April 2011 (3p)

As far as I know the 'freeze' on duty was only announced as recently as the 2013 Autumn statement, and that expires in May this year anyway.
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Big doo's, It's been 99p for petrol down here for the last week and 107 for diesel.

Made filling up the Disco a smidge over £70, and the BMW was like £62 (not completely empty though). Win!
2 places local to me to get fuel, ASDA and BP, it's not really even been a fight. ASDA drops it's price and BP drop theirs to be 1p more expensive. ASDA drops price again and BP must be like "sigh..." and drop to be 1p above again. The last 2 days my ASDA has been 103.7 and BP has been closed and coned across the entrances, driving home today and it's open again but rebranded as a Spar and petrol was 104.3. So at some point tomorrow I expect ASDA to be 102.whatever.

Looking forward to sub 100.
Pulled up at Asda after taking a detour to go there and buy their 103.7 fuel, left my wallet at home. FFS, had to put some in at the village Esso garage at 111 instead, robbing ****.
I don't really get why fuel is quite a few ppl more expensive anywhere in Wolves than it is in Stafford, Telford, or Birmingham.
Asda 103.7
Shell 105.9
Torq 105.9

Local Shell is often coned off when I pass through the day then open again few hours later. No idea what this actually means.
Pulled up at Asda after taking a detour to go there and buy their 103.7 fuel, left my wallet at home. FFS, had to put some in at the village Esso garage at 111 instead, robbing ****.
I don't really get why fuel is quite a few ppl more expensive anywhere in Wolves than it is in Stafford, Telford, or Birmingham.

Captive market most likely. Same in my town, two Shellstations, a Morrisons and a BP. BP usually 2p more but the other three are the same price on the same day but 2-3p more than edinburgh 12 miles away.
Harvest Energy on the A435 (between Redditch and M42) was £0.997 last week. The owner of Harvest was in the news a couple of weeks back saying he was going to take the fuel price war to the supermarkets. Nice to see it happening!
Asda still 103.7p
Shell 105.9p
Torq 102.9

I filled up at Shell today as I had some Drivers Club points money off vouchers to use. Local Torq station (owned by MRH GB) knock 2p off a litre 2 days a week, was 104.9p.
Most around me are 104.9 still as well. A local esso did drop to 102.9 for about a week and then put it back to 104.9 when they noticed everybody else was staying at that amount...
Not sure if anyone has mentioned this yet.

But has anyone worked out yet how much this is going to cost the country in loss of Tax Etc.

I know we all want cheaper fuel but If it was kept artificially high for another year (only to the point it was before it dropped) would that help go somewhere towards balancing the books
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