Hmmm I think my honeymoon period with the X-E1 is over!
I've had a frustrating day with it. I've got the 23mm now and I'm not feeling the love at the moment. The 60mm is slow as expected, I got more keepers shooting a manual 50mm. The 23mm I was expecting to focus faster than the 35mm after reading reviews, but perhaps that's only with the newer bodies?
Disappointing day, I'm glad I haven't sold any dslr gear yet, I need to think on this more...
I've had a frustrating day with it. I've got the 23mm now and I'm not feeling the love at the moment. The 60mm is slow as expected, I got more keepers shooting a manual 50mm. The 23mm I was expecting to focus faster than the 35mm after reading reviews, but perhaps that's only with the newer bodies?
Disappointing day, I'm glad I haven't sold any dslr gear yet, I need to think on this more...