Fuji X Series

Ok, so I have a decision to make.

As mentioned in a previous post, my X-E1 with a 27mm lens was dropped into a pond (along with me, if that helps the imagination!) at the end of June. After drying it out, I noticed some small niggles with the camera body (the lens mount appears to be loose and the zoom lens crashes it occasionally) and some deposits on the inside of the lens which unfortunately are visible on the images.

So, the repair bill came back as "uneconomical to repair due to corrosion" and so I've claimed on my insurance; I have a new X-E1 coming on Monday and as the lens was out of stock, £349 to spend on Amazon. I've got a mostly functional body, a 16-50mm lens in perfect nick and 27mm lens which could potentially be salvaged.

Just looking for some suggestions to make the most of the situation. I found the 27mm a bit short but the image quality was decent and the lens compact. I did think of moving to the 35mm 1.4; I've heard that it has a slow and noisy auto focus but it's very fast and the focal length that I'm used to shooting the most from my D5100 (crop sensor)...

Any thoughts?
I'd pick up a 35mm, fantastic lens, it's not that much nosier then any other XF lens.

You won't be disappointed ;)
I may just do that.

The other option would be to see how much I get selling the damaged bits and the new X-E1 on Ebay before getting an X-E2 and 35mm 1.4 on Amazon. £978 - £200 (cashback) - £349 (from the insurance) leaves £428. Should be able to cover most of that with the sale of the other bits.
I may just do that.

The other option would be to see how much I get selling the damaged bits and the new X-E1 on Ebay before getting an X-E2 and 35mm 1.4 on Amazon. £978 - £200 (cashback) - £349 (from the insurance) leaves £428. Should be able to cover most of that with the sale of the other bits.

Try the 35mm first if you can- I like mine, but I enjoy the 18mm more, and not because of the focal length. Hard to explain, but it just gives better results for less effort. As that's all wishy-washily unscientific, your mileage will very probably vary! Personally, I'm trying to think of reasons not to buy the 23mm :D

I'd also say try an X-E2 as well before committing. I truly love mine, but given the firmware support for the 1, I'm not sure I would consider the price difference worth it.

I'm occasionally up in Norwich, you'd be welcome to give mine a try.
If only the 23mm was in my price range...! I've actually gone for the 35mm in the end, think it'll be handy to have a spare body and battery for my photo meets. Would love to upgrade for the better focusing but I'll wait until they hit rock bottom prices and then I'll grab an X-T1 or something. The cash back is tempting but I cant justify the extra outlay.

If you want to meet up next time you're in Norwich drop me a line and I'll get my photography buddies together if I can.
I would love a 23mm but the price is just too high, and given its a walk about lens it might be worth considering the Fuji X100s instead.
I would love a 23mm but the price is just too high, and given its a walk about lens it might be worth considering the Fuji X100s instead.

This is exactly the decision i have been mulling over for months and still haven't come to a conclusion :eek:

On one hand I think the x100s (of perhaps the new whatever that comes out at photokina to replace it) would make an awesome every day, keep on you all the time camera.

However, on the other hand I think if I got the lens it could travel with my as I upgrade bodies if that makes sense.
I've been thinking of selling on the 55-200 that came free with the xe-2 & 18-55 bundle to help fund some other lenses. So far I've just been using the 18-55 which I'm finding is really good in the 18-35mm range. I've had a couple of times that I've wanted to go wider so was thinking of getting the 14mm and something else to get the current £200 cashback offer on any 2 XF lenses.

14mm £665

23mm £749
27mm £339
35mm £409
56mm £829
60mm £434

I was thinking of the 60. Would love the 23 or 56 but they just cost too much and the 18-55 already does a decent job of 23-35 (most used focal range).

What would you guys go for?
After two weeks in Italy, I found myself using just the Samyang 12mm f2, and the Fuji 35mm f1.4. And the Samyang was probably on the camera 80% of the time....

The 60mm would seem a bit expensive just to get an extra 5mm. It's a good promo but I wouldn't get two lenses unless you really need two. Personally I'd skip the Fuji promo and buy a single lens abroad for less, but that's just me.
mm it'd also be the quality, the 18-55 is a bit weak at 55mm and needs stopped right down to F8.

The 14mm imported is only £500, so only about £150 after selling the 55-200 :)
Any one got the 35mm and care to give me their thoughts on it? I know it should be a nice upgrade to the 18-55 in terms of image quality, but specifically I'd like to know how the AF is? Is it quicker or slower? Be great to see some example shots from anyone using it...
I like the 35mm, it's a nice lens. AF is a bit noisy and it's a tad slower than the 23mm. It's a really nice size as well :)

Jennie by jj_glos, on Flickr

Jennie by jj_glos, on Flickr

Jennie by jj_glos, on Flickr

Excuse the dodgy processing here, it was a preset I tried and I didn't notice the sky had gone so funky!

Jennie by jj_glos, on Flickr
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Nice showcase of f/1.4 shots of the lens.

I found the lens to focus a lot faster and accurately in EVF, but still not as fast as the 18mm.
I like the 35mm, it's a nice lens. AF is a bit noisy and it's a tad slower than the 23mm. It's a really nice size as well :)

Some lovely shots there. Which do you prefer out of the 35mm and 23mm? Which do you find gets most use? Not considered the 23mm but it too gets some rave reviews...
All depends if you like a 35 or 50 equivalent really? When I'm outside I generally prefer a 50, when I know I'm going to be inside as well I prefer a 35. I also like using a 35 on one body and an 85 on another, it's a nice pairing.

Technically I guess the 23mm is a better lens, but the 35mm is still nice and by no means rubbish.
One from today with the 18-55. Bit annoyed that the cupboard door on his left side was open and had the light on so its a little distracting, but one of those moment shots whilst he was sitting on my lap...

DSCF6120 by moran.simon, on Flickr
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