That's another issue cause I'm not at 4k and have no intention of going 4k because the truth is the current crop of cards struggle at 4k. I tried quite a few games at 4k via vsr and it's dire so I run at 1440p via vsr.
I don't want my fps sitting in the 30 zone and I like my games to look as visually appealing as possible.
The fact you overclock the memory is great but like a lot of people I can't even get it too 501 without blue screening (I haven't tried with AB voltage though, just Trixx, I'll have to give that a go later).
I'm not sure how comparing how my performance has changed using the same program is setting myself up for anything. Today my Firestrike extreme result matches what it did 4 months ago and that was with my Fury at it's stock clock 4 months ago, Today it's got an 1130 overclock. It's nothing to do with gaming, It's an observation regarding how performance has changed over the last 4 months with that program.