Gabe Newell AMA tomorrow

I can see the sequels everyone and his dog are waiting for being held back until such a point where Steam an enter the Hardware market with something groundbreaking. They've slowly been easing their way into it, with Steam controller, Steam Machines, Steam Link, Steam VR. When they're more confident in the capabilities of these new platforms is when you'll see the HL3 announcement as exclusive to that specific platform - afterall, what better way to get an instant consumer-base?

Personally I'd like to see Valve take more of an active approach to things that help the community, such as server infrastructure and coding (pointing at you 64tic CS:GO competitive servers - how does that exactly tie-in well with your eSports ethos that you've adopted?) and anticheats that perform a bit better - sure it's always a catch-up game when it comes to hacking, but I still feel more could be done.

To also echo what has been said above, Steam was a pioneer when it came to digital (game) content distribution and was the de facto platform. Now, with much more competition about, they need to up their game somewhat.
It would be awesome to get HL3 and replay HL1 and 2 in anticipation but I just don't feel like doing that with no ending.
I'll take an A4 page with bullet points that tells us what the hell happened and what the story is all about at this point.
Not even going to bother reading it. The only one important question that everyone cares about will be ignored completely as always.

I used to like Gabe as well, but this is just frustrating now.
I am old... I see the word E-Sports and just shake my head and chuckle at the entire idea of calling a computer game a sport.

Would be nice to see Valve working on a VR game ready for Gen 2/3 of the VIVE.

I'd agree on the e-'sports' part. There is no way that playing video games should be considered a sport. However, it is a marketing ploy to make the couch potatoes feel a little less... couch 'potatoey' and to 'sex-up' what is essentially the least sexy thing known to man.

As for VR - not in the slightest interested, but whatever floats people's boats I guess.
It makes little financial sense for Valve not to do a HL3. All of the other old classic popular games have had modern respins. Think how much money they would make from a HL3 release!

Unless Valve have gone completely from being a design studio to be just a cloud distribution platform.

Also after HL2 they said we would get 3 episodes rather than a full game. We only received 2, so they haven't even finished the episodic content either.
"The issue with Half-Life for me is that I was involved in a much higher percentage of the decisions about the games, so it's hard for me to look at them as anything other than a series of things I regret. There's no information in my response about what we'll do in the future. It's simply easier for me to be a fan of things that in which I was less directive."
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