Games that give you a headache?

Counter-strike 1.6 gives me headaches. I think it's because when I am playing it I am concentrating extremely hard and straining my eyes to look for enemies/check certain areas. Source engine games don't do this to me, only HL1 games based on the Quake engine do.
Condemned 2: Bloodshot cant play it for more than 5 minutes or i will get a migraine, i know its xbox 360 but thats all i got :P
i think its a lot to do with the headsway and grainy graphics.

Also prey was a bit upsetting not as bad tho.
I found I can't play Doom 2 for extended periods of time after a mate and I played a marathon session when I was off school with a stomach bug. Before this I was fine, but since then I feel ill just thinking about it!
Mark A's post just about sums it up for me. Didn't happen every time I played but still reminds me of eye-strain or nausea! I even hate the sound of those sliding doors in Doom.

I can remember the demo of Descent as well. That didn't last long on my PC!
The Bioshock 2 and Bioshock 1 engines always seem to give me a light headache after playing for an hour+ - it's strange, it's only in these 2 games and I play hour+ long sessions on various other games (TF2/L4D etc) without problem.

What is it with the Bioshock engine that does this!

FWIW I don't suffer any medical condition of any sort and this isn't a medical thread :p

*tin foil hat*

maybe you have problems with more games since this runs on Unreal Engine if not mistaken
maybe you have problems with more games since this runs on Unreal Engine if not mistaken

Maybe you should read again :p

The issue is only with Bioshock and Bioshock 2, well not 1 anymore since they fixed it with the patch and now with the FOV hack Bioshock 2 is sort of fixed too.

Just look at my screenshots above and see how zoomed in the fov is, it's totally mind numbing at the defaults for a widescreen gamer.
Not a headache but when looking at the pipboy in fallout 3 and its wobbling around against the background it makes me feel really queasy.Dont quite understand why they have to have it it wobble around like my character is ****ed lol
For me the worst games for headaches have been Farcry2 and Mount and Blade, both totally unplayable for me. Ten to twenty mins and that's it, the worst part is these headaches last for days.
Mark A's post just about sums it up for me. Didn't happen every time I played but still reminds me of eye-strain or nausea! I even hate the sound of those sliding doors in Doom.

I can remember the demo of Descent as well. That didn't last long on my PC!

Descent did take some getting used to. Forsaken too, at least that had a half decent split screen multiplayer.
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