Games that give you a headache?

The original Half Life used to make me really ill after an hour or two when I first played it. After a couple of sessions I'd get used to it and be fine.

Watching the ex girlfriend on Bioshock gave me a massive headache, too.

Specifically the single shot sniper rifle/assault weapon thing. I'm okay for a little bit, but after I'd say about 5 minutes of hearing the "bang...... bang...... bang" noise of the weapon it starts to give me a really bad headache, so much in fact I've had to turn the game off. It's probably one of only five or six games that I can remember that has make me stop playing due to making me feel ill or giving me a headache after a short period of time. Two others would be Alice, which made me disoritentated, and Hexen will made me feel physically sick.
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I get this too, but in a game nobody mentioned in the thread so far, Mass Effect. And borderlands to a lesser extent. I always figured it was down to a not-smooth fps or something, so kept changing the graphics settings down. But I just need to increase the FOV?
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