Games that had it, but lost it!

a bit random but the discworld games

1= funny, replayable and original
2= funnier (especially for fans) better gfx and longer
noir= not funny, buggy, pointlessly 3dish graphics
Monkey Island 1 - Great Game
Monkey Island 2 - Fantastic Game
Monkey Island 3 + onwards - not worth the space in this post.

Nuff said.
p4radox said:
Call Of Duty 2. COD1 multiplayer is the best multiplayer FPS ever, COD2 is completely ****.

I honestly can't disagree with that.

Also need for speed.
Started off good
then NFS:U i loved
NFS:U 2 was ok
NFS:MW on PC sucked
NFS: Carbon, played the 360 demo and its very poor :(
BurningHorizons said:
Sonic the Hedgehog.
The latest 360 version is perfect for a "had it and lost it" prize

What he said :) The Megadrive Sonics were absolutel awesome. Then along came the Dreamcast, and suddenly Sonic made up about 25% of the game, if that. The rest were a load of worthless characters and some dodgy animal things. Sonic Advanture 2 made it even WORSE, Sonic was always about speed so they put in pathetic levels where you have to find things, and you HAVE to do them just to get to another Sonic level... eventually. The 360 one has the speed, but the control is pitiful. I also fear they have stupid other characters that are no fun.
Zip said:
Crash Bandicoot.

1 Great.
2 Even Better
3 Bloody Marvolous.
Crash Team Racing Sex wee all round.

Naughty dog Sells Crash.

Crash bash onwards=Crap and the down fall of what could have been the Marrio of the Playstation:(

Agreed used to love playing all them.
planetside - started off totally minted! and as time went on and sony did jack all and it just got utter balls. they still aint added anything special yet.
Dark age of Camelot, each expansion that was paid for got worse. They kept adding lands instead of revisiting the old ones until it was too late. They increased the grind and decreased the fun each and every time! Then they tries to fix this by making existing expansions easier.. too late as so many had quit!

Same could be said for Ultima online:

Pre - publish 16 - amazing game
post - publish 16 - on the top of a very slippery slope. :(

BurningHorizons said:
Sonic the Hedgehog.
The latest 360 version is perfect for a "had it and lost it" prize

I was gobsmacked by how poor the new version of Sonic is!
Ulfhedjinn said:
Very true but it still made me quit. :p Pre-CU was the god of godlike compared to both. :(

same and true (pre cu), I still have saberdervish2 on a fraps and all my screenshots :D sad I know but I actually miss that game (since it isnt counted as a game now)
UT as the first one was sheer class.

The next 2 concentrated too much on trying to be the game for the cybergaming pro circuit as the maps got stupidly big, the gameplay went downhill and the fun element was lost for a lot of people.

UT2007 might be the death knell for the series as unless they get back to the basics that UT had it will bomb with the players. As gameplay and fun mean more to us than eye candy and huge maps with vehicles.

EasyG said:
planetside - started off totally minted! and as time went on and sony did jack all and it just got utter balls. they still aint added anything special yet.

Totaly agree, is the best MMO i have played, and probably the most fun i've ever had in a game. untill sony screwed it up completely. they have a nack of ruining games...SWG
Worms definetly
UT (hopefully UT2007 wil rectify this) (despite the boringness of 2k4 I still map for it......)
Roller Coaster Tycoon. (1 rocked, 2 lacked something... 3 sucked)
Civ 1 - Basic Simple Nice
Civ 2 - Bit nicer GFX nice and easy all night gaming
Civ 3 - To begin with not so good but eventually better
Civ 4 - A big buggy disappointment
Another vote for Sonic.

Why do some people feel like 3d is so essential for any game these days? Worms and Sonic were so many million times better when they were flat (because they were flat), but no-one who makes them seems willing to admit that simple fact. It's like we're only allowed 2d games when the system isn't good enough to support 3d. It's no co-incidence that people raved about the DS Sonic, even though it's still not actually close to Sonic 2/3/CD. :(

UT is another good vote though. I loved the original to bits, but the newer versions have just never quite grabbed me. Shame, because despite the large number of futuristic FPS games, none of them have nailed a nice, simple, arcadey multiplayer. Everything seems to be squad-based and slow-moving these days.
Worms I totally agree with. The original was the best.
Sonic I agree with too, that game made the megadrive what it was. And then it got devalued into utter pap.
Crash Bandicoot another one, completed the original three and spent hours on tag team racing. Another game that got wrecked.

I'd have to add Half-Life to the list though. HL1 was, and probably still is, the best game ever made. But the sequel was a really disappointing affair.
Monkey Island 1 - Fantastic

Monkey Island 2 - Fantastic

*Writer quits and someone else takes over*

Monkey Island 3 - Losing it...

Monkey Island 4 - Pile of ****bags
Sensible soccer + SWOS must have played those games more than anything else on my Amiga

Yet another lets make it 3D and kill what made it great

dont rate any of the remakes on the PC
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