Games that have disappeared into oblivion, what would you like to see make a come back?

Edit: Some more RAGE goodness would also be awesome!

I really hope one day the redo RAGE and do it proper - so much that didn't leverage the potential and comes to a rather sudden ending. So often by the time you'd worked upto some fun tools and weapons, etc. you'd exhausted the content they were relevant to and they weren't particularly effective in the next segment of the game where you'd just repeat the same procedure.
G-Police is crying out for a VR enabled remake.
Remember Me was great, I think it was the first game I ever got a platinum on my PS3 for.
I'd also love to see an up to date version of the Enemy Engaged series, such a pity that modern sims cannot match the campaign from it.
Hugely under-rated game - not without some issues but generally well made by people who for the most part actually understood the value of accessibility and well thought out controls, etc.

The sequel was good as well (Assault on Dark Athena). I remember them both being very difficult.

Jedi Knight

I'd like to see Jedi knight make a return as well, but they would ruin it if they did it now. Especially as EA have the SW game licence and Lucasarts is dead. Same with X-wing. Look how they already butchered Battlefront :(
I'd like to see Jedi knight make a return as well, but they would ruin it if they did it now. Especially as EA have the SW game licence. Same with X-wing. Look how they already butchered Battlefront :(

EA totally couldn't make a game that had the mechanics and gameplay to live upto those original Jedi Knight games. Graphically they've nailed it so its a shame.
I really hope one day the redo RAGE and do it proper - so much that didn't leverage the potential and comes to a rather sudden ending. So often by the time you'd worked upto some fun tools and weapons, etc. you'd exhausted the content they were relevant to and they weren't particularly effective in the next segment of the game where you'd just repeat the same procedure.
Yeah I was really into it and then it did seem to just end all of sudden. I wasn't sure if it was just because I was enjoying it so much (I'm often disappointed when a really good game comes to an end) or if it did genuinely end abruptly. Cracking game though.
I came in here to post that! I've been hunting for bfme2 and its expansion for ages...for a none crazy price.
The first was my fav. Loved being able to play as good or evil and doing the helms deep and minas tirith sieges. Still got the disc.
The first was my fav. Loved being able to play as good or evil and doing the helms deep and minas tirith sieges. Still got the disc.

I liked the first, the fact that you could man your walls etc. was great but I loved the ability to combine units etc. in the second.
EA totally couldn't make a game that had the mechanics and gameplay to live upto those original Jedi Knight games. Graphically they've nailed it so its a shame.

Yea the Frostbite engine is a good one, but EA just has no clue how to make a good game. All the studios it bought out (like Bioware) are not the same as they once were, when they were independent and had freedom to create games as an art form the products were far better and filled with content.

All the games EA and the other large publishers/developers now make are basically made by the finance department and the suits. Not people who know what they are doing or interested in gaming. Which is why they pump out total crap (yet people keep buying it, so they make more crap).
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