Games that have disappeared into oblivion, what would you like to see make a come back?

Proper Rainbow Six game with setting your tactics and formations, a bit like the Vegas game. Would be happy with an even more 'tactical' version which is what I understand the earlier games were like.
Not so much a specific game, but the whole having a lengthy single player campaign that's fun and engaging the whole way through.

Maybe i just miss the days of spyro, jack&daxter, ratchet&clank etc before age and the rise of cod killed the good sp campaign.

I found myself playing through uncharted again and wishing we could have more exploration/puzzle games preferably without resorting to random unexplained zombies at the end (uncharted, theif, tomb raider i'm looking at you)
Proper Rainbow Six game with setting your tactics and formations, a bit like the Vegas game. Would be happy with an even more 'tactical' version which is what I understand the earlier games were like.

Plus the old hidden and dangerous world war 2 games, similar kind of focus on tactics and stealth, you just cant go in guns blazing or your squad will suffer horrifyingly

I know its PS3 game, but the idea behind it was amazing. The game itself was great fun, the culmination of the 3 sided battle.... the vehicles, maps were great. It was before its time in many ways.
I appreciate it's a console game but I really think that Square-Enix is missing a trick by not doing something with Vagrant Story. It was an amazing game held back by the console hardware it was on and a remake/sequel today could be amazing.
Black & White
No One Lives Forever
Knights Of The Old Republic
Vampire The Masquerade
Mother/Earth Bound
Super Mario RPG
Jet Set Radio
Chrono Trigger
Midwinter/ Flames of Freedom - Can imagine that on today's hardware...

G-Police - see someone else has mentioned it :)
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