Games that were difficult in your childhood

I struggled with Super Mario Bros 1 & 3, and Donkey Kong Country as a kid.

I can beat DKC in around an hour now, but it took me years to beat it the first time, and that was playing daily! Absolutely adored it though, the sheer value I got out of that game...
Last level of Renegade on the CPC, the one with the guy with the gun. As if the level before with the knife wielding dudes with one hit killing you wasn't enough. I could probably count on one hand the number of hits I managed to land on the gun guy - I'd invariably get the distance/timing wrong, he'd take a step back and shoot me. That's when I didn't simply walk into his bullet while trying to deal with more one hit kill knife wielding thugs.

One of the best looking CPC games ever released IMO. But damn those last two levels were hard AF.
Midwinter was ******* hard as nails, I never got close to finishing that bugger.

I'd love to give it a go again now, but I think I will tarnish the memories
oh loads, Fire and Ice on Amiga, the game would end when I reset and threw the disc across the room, it was falling apart but would still load. That was basically Dark Souls as far as I'm concerned ;)

I was never that good at some classics like Speedball 2 but enjoyed playing anyway.

Rick Dangerous...

Midwinter (probably as I had no idea what to do)

Dungeon master (Worm level as a kid - though easier playing now)

Shadow of the beast 3

Check, Shadow of the Beast games were a joke unless it clicked with you, I wanted to be better at it but never was, but excellent music and graphics makes me come back. Now I can just listen on youtube :)
Some of the Castlevania games were solid, especially the one on the original Game Boy (adventure?). You had to be literally pixel perfect with your jumping otherwise you'd die, I can remember it being rage inducing.

Games in general were harder back in the day but as kids that was a good thing as you couldn't just buy any old game without it being birthday/Xmas.


That music though, not surprised the game caused rage. :p
I always struggled at a certain point in strikers run on the BBC Master.... I never did finish it.

Very few games I ever completed back then they were so hard no savegaves at all you had 3 lives and if you died you restarted teh level once your 3 lives were done that was it game over and restart the whole thing from scratch all over again you had to be very dexterous and patient and I never really had either.

Strykers Run never got anywhere with it i recall fantastic menu music though I remember I'd boot up the game just to listen to that

Exile on BBC Micro was near-impossible to complete, but really blew me away at the time.

Exile was amazing but damn the size of it you needed maps never saw more than a tiny part too difficult/complicated
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